1,000 Free Miles For Joining Copa Airlines ConnectMiles Program

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Earn 1,000 Copa Airlines ConnectMiles by subscribing to receive ConnectMiles updates and joining ConnectMiles (enrollment in the program will not start until May 2015)

The Fine Print

  • Enrollment for the program will start May 2015
  • You must subscribe using the same e-mail address as you use to enroll in the program
  • Miles will post to your account after you join the program and 4-6 weeks after the program launch in July 2015
  • Promotion available from 18th March to 30th April.

Our Verdict

At the moment you can only complete the first step in this process (opting to receive updates about ConnectMiles). That being said, you might as well complete the first step as it doesn’t take long to enter your information and you never know how useful 1,000 miles will be (details about the new ConnectMiles program are scarce, but from my limited understanding it seems to be almost exactly the same as the United MileagePlus program).

If you’d like more free loyalty points, read our dedicated post here which has a complete listing of what’s currently available (over 13,000 in points/miles currently available).

Hat tip to MileageAddict on Flyertalk

View Comments (1)

  • I previously gave my email to sign up for the 1,000 bonus and when I established my account today, it immediately credited the 1,000 miles. Also, if you fill out more information (such as passport info, favorite destination, etc.) you get an additional 2,000 miles immediately. So, right off the bat, you should have 3,000 miles. Probably not much to do with it, but it never hurts and as you say, maybe someone will discover a sweet spot in the award chart. Maybe Citi with be a transfer partner with them?