50,000 Southwest Referrals – Post your Links and Find them Here

The referral link for the personal Southwest cards is up to 50,000 points. A lot of people will want to use these links specifically to signup since the public offer is only40,000 points. Please see our previous post today to learn more: Chase Southwest 50,000 Points Referral Offer Available on both Personal Cards – Perfect for Companion Pass.


You can leave your referral links for either of the two Southwest cards in the comments of this post, but you must follow the instructions below:

  • Retweet this tweet
  • Leave a comment with your referral link(s) and your Twitter handle, without any additional information

The comment should look something like this:

50k Plus link: https://www.referyourchasecard.com/m/123/AAA/BBBB/XXXXXYYYYYZZZZZZ
50k Premier link: https://www.referyourchasecard.com/m/123/AAA/BBBB/ZZZZZYYYYYYYXXXXX

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