Amazon Fresh Increases Minimum Needed For Free Delivery To $150

Amazon Fresh is increasing the minimum purchase needed for free delivery from $35 (affiliate link) to $150. Delivered below $150 will get hit with the following delivery fees:

  • $3.95 for orders $100-$150
  • $6.95 for orders $50-$100
  • $9.95 for orders under $50

The change goes into effect on February 28, 2023.

Hat tip to reader sybloc

View Comments (56)

  • So much outrage from people who can't place $40 orders anymore. Guess what, you're not their target customer. They were losing money on you so they don't care if you switch to other services. And those services like IC may raise their minimum now as well. A family of 4-5 can easily spend $150 per shopping trip. That's Amazon's target customer.

    • That's only part of it, this change is part of the lifecycle of what's termed "enshittification."

      "This is enshittification: Surpluses are first directed to users; then, once they’re locked in, surpluses go to suppliers; then once they’re locked in, the surplus is handed to shareholders and the platform becomes a useless pile of shit."

      Amazon's done it before, look at Amazon Prime. It used to always guarantee two day shipping, now many people with Prime _never_ get things shipped that quickly, even though they did before. Amazon made the program really great, got tons of people to sign up and rely on it, then made it worse to direct money elsewhere.

      _That's_ why people are upset, not because they're freeloaders. For the record I can't use Amazon Fresh, so this doesn't impact me. It's not supported in my city.

  • Not surprised since they added the $10 delivery fee with Whole Foods regardless of the order size last year.

  • LOL, if you hate Amazon and don’t order Fresh, it doesn’t matter you think the change is insane or not; if you have been ordering a bit over $35 to avoid fees, Amazon would be more than happy to see you to switch to other services.

    • I like Amazon!!! Use it everyday, one way or another because i have lots of money to blow on stuff i really do not even need.

      How did i get so rich, you ask?....

      . AMZN stock bought at $612... sold at $3210 a share times 250 shares.

    • Cool, I'm good with Walmart+ (free trials) and Costco for now. Won't resub to Prime. You can still order items from Amazon without prime. Order minimums are still reasonable. Prime Video is complete trash. Yes, you can find something ok, but it takes so long to scroll through all the junk. I wish they had option to filter out anything below certain imdb rating. But I guess it's not good for business because it would show that there's not much good content.

      I wonder how grocery delivery is different from regular Prime delivery. I mean I don't need the groceries delivered same day. I'm cool with 1 or 2 day delivery mostly because I can plan things ahead. But I guess they insist on same day?

      Honestly I haven't even tried ordering from Amazon Fresh. Wanted to try once but didn't find anything reasonably priced to hit the $35 order minimum. Never had that problem at Walmart Grocery.

    • this doesn't really make sense. There's a cutoff point beyond which them losing customers doesn't add up to the cost savings they'll realize from this. I have ordered from both Whole Foods and Fresh, and now I won't use fresh anymore. And that doesn't make me unique, makes me likely in the majority.

      PS: Shilling for a large corporation is never a good look...

      • What you said does not contradict with my comment at all, there must be something else preventing you from feeling "make sense".

        PS: Attacking people with different options does not make his opinion wrong or yourself right, and is never a good look.

  • wow. At a time when Wall street deems their business not so high flying anymore, they are nerfing all sorts of things. Prime membership growth was already stalling, this will make it go reverse.

    Hard core capitalism is fascinating to me. All those years they operated many businesses at a loss for the sake of growth. That allowed the company to grow to a 1T valuation even though for a long time there wasn't much profit. Now growth has stalled and they are looking to become more profitable, but seem to be misfiring in a lot of areas. This is what happens when you are hyper focused on the next 3 months.

    Prime is a wasteland now, unless you're addicted to their streaming content. I find there's too much content, most of it garbage, all across the streaming landscape. Prime video means nothing. Their deliveries are not always on the 2 day or next day schedule, often taking the better part of a week to get here. Most of us can live without next day delivery regardless. Groceries there are a lot of other options popping up for not wanting to physically go to the store. Try imperfectfoods if you haven't already, it's also a good cause. Google farm to house programs near you, here in NYC we have collectives from the tri state area that deliver everything from good meat to fresh produce to baked goods to everything else. Slight premium to your standard grocery store but pretty much on par with whole foods. And the money goes to local folks, not a mega corp.

    F Amazon is what I'm saying. I'll still order from them things I just can't find near me as I live in a city and have no car. But anything and everything I can find elsewhere, I will get elsewhere.

    • "F Amazon, I hate them. But I'll keep ordering from them". That'll teach them!!
      Sounds like you need them more than they need you.

      • For many of us that don't live in major cities, Prime shipping is more like a 7 day shipping to the nearest pickup location. So yeah for a lot of us, Prime is an absolute wasteland now.

        • Even major cities aren't even close to what they used to be. I live in major city and have an Amazon Fulfillment Center less than 10 miles from my house. For years, I got nearly ALL deliveries in under 2 days, sometimes 1day or even same day.

          Now, that NEVER happens. I'm lucky if I get most packages under 5 business days.

          Amazon Prime is now a lie bordering on fraud

          • I'm probably going to jinx myself here but I live about 30 miles outside a major city and most of my packages are next day or two day. Occasionally, I get three to four days but I know that when I order. During the height of the pandemic, there were longer delays but have gone back to normal the past year or so. Given the comments, I'll consider myself lucky.

        • Yeah the vast majority of things take over four days now for prime to come to my house and I live in rural NJ, which isn't really to rural imo. I still have a student membership from my last degree so prime is 50% off. I think that's a decent deal since I can get anything shipped I want. When I have to start paying full price for prime though, I'm out.

  • $35 was a low threshold, but $150 is insane. Especially considering how crappy the system is when you want to add an order after the original has been placed (it's very hit or miss). I imagine this will ultimately hurt the amount of money people will spend with them. They probably could have gotten to $150 over time. Push it to $50 first and then $75 etc.

  • Get the f*ck out of here Amazon, you greedy MF’ers. Used that service once, and nowhere in that name should be FRESh.
    They just keep showing me our Prime membership cancellation was the correct choice. Living fine without it… Bunch of clowns in that circus!!!

    • 50 / 75 $ seems a good number imo. Hopefully they down the threshold soon realizing how much high the new one is.

    • I am curious if you'll be able to pad orders with gift cards to hit the threshold or if they won't count those.

      • The one time I ordered gift card from Fresh to take advantage of a credit card with a grocery spend offer they sent me blanks without any money loaded.

    • I'd like to think I contributed to that, because I just canceled my Prime subscription due to their sh*tty, manipulative, inflexible, deceitful, and exasperating Prime Video app on Roku, and because finding quality goods on Amazon has become so difficult thanks to being flooded with shoddy knock-offs with unpronounceable strings of letters for names and hordes of fake reviews.

      I *helped*! :-D

      • I cancelled my prime and haven’t ordered a single item in almost a year. Hope I contributed as well. Completely done with them.

        • Cancelled prime but still order from Amazon. Mostily subscribe and save stuff that I can't find locally.