The American Express Gold card currently earns 4x points per $1 spent on all purchases at restaurants worldwide. Starting January 1, 2025 you will continue to earn 4x points on these purchases on the first $50,000 in spend per calendar year and then it will earn 1x point per $1 spent. Surprised that this was a big enough of an issue that a cap had to be added.
Hat tip to TwG
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If you can eat $50k annually at restaurants alone, you probably don't have to worry about amex points anyway.
Let's say you eat out 200 days per year and you spend $250 per day. You're at $50k. But, if you think about it, if you're in a financial condition to be above that, do you really give a poop you're not getting 4X after $50k?
If you're somehow MSing restaurants, it's move/counter-move with the card issuers. That's the game. Get tough or die.
believe this restriction because of "rhyme with booze" app purchases
3x UR points might actually be worth more.
I thought the cap was there the whole time...
I only discovered in September that Amex Gold offers 4x for restaurants. Have gotten 11k points since then. I guess I missed so many points over the last 3 years :(
Damn! I was eating 150k a year. Now I will only eat 50k.
Careful. You could starve.
Where did you pull 12.5k? The post clearly states $50k
fk UUUUUUU Amex!!!!
I love resturant!!!!!!
just get another gold card!
Another day, another devaluation...can't remember the last time the coupon book company's products became more valuable to high-spending customers. At least there are alternatives :-)