American Express Adds CLEAR Credit To Business Platinum

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  • I wonder how much of that credit is kicked in directly by CLEAR. Probably at least 50%, if not more.

  • CLEAR is like a Disney FastPass, it takes you to the front of the security line. If you have TSA PreCheck also, it will take you to the front of the PreCheck line too. You still go through security screening like usual.

    • Depends. How highly do you value your biometric information, and do you trust Clear to keep that data safe? But CLEAR does work with PreCheck/GE in some situations to speed things up (varies by airport)

      • Not only that but CLEAR will own your biometric data, they explicitly state that.

  • I have two business platinum cards. So do I have $179x2 Clear credit? Or is it $179 across one customer regardless how many cards?

      • Then would holding two CLEAR memberships make you a super-duper VIP that directly teleports you to your destination ?

    • Yes. I signed up for a clear account through the United promo that is supposed to give you a $100 United travel bank credit - effectively to nearly completely offset the fee. Paid with my AMEX Platinum for Business. Then, at some point in the process or afterwards was offered the family plan for clear for an additional $60, which covers three additional adults. Children under 18 are free, but in my case, it applies to my wife. I took them up on that offer and again charged it to the AMEX. AMEX credited me for $100 and $60 within a few days. Still waiting on the UAL travel bank credit, which may take quite some time based on some other reports on the web.