American Express Financial Relief Program Now Available Online

At the end of March American Express launched it’s financial hardship/financial relief program due to COVID-19. At the time this program was only available via phone, but it’s now available online. This program helps cardholders with:

  • Lower monthly payments and interest rates
  • Provide relief from future late payment fees
  • Prevent accounts from going past due or further past due

There are two versions of this program. One is for periods less than 12 months and the other is for periods for more than 12 months (36 or 60 months). With the 12 month program your cards remain open (with a reduced spending limit) whereas the longer term programs your card is cancelled. This should go without saying but I’ll say it anyway, only use this program if you actually need to.

Hat tip to discovideo3

View Comments (14)

  • I have $20K balance across multiple Amex cards @ 0%APR. The greedy me thinks would they extend 0%APR duration for another 12 months? The logical me says it doesn't hurt to ask as long as I don't lie.

    • Or... churners that don't carry a balance wouldn't have a need for this, so if you use it, Amex may then think that you're potentially someone who they can make money from via interest, so the popup is automatically disabled for you. Similar to Capital One logic.

  • any evidence if enrolling on this program will affect their membership? i.e. not pre-qualify for new cards

    • 14.7% unemployment, worst since the depression. Hard to fault people for losing their job or getting furloughed. Be careful, your privilege is showing

    • Or sometimes stuff happens... dont belittle people because you're better off or not having troubles

  • Agree with Will, do not use this path unless absolutely necessary as you could damage long term relation with Amex and who knows how this could impact credit score along with ability for future CC.