American Express Sends Out Surveys For Possible Changes To AmEx EveryDay Preferred & Blue Business Plus

American Express is in the process of revamping all of the credit cards it offers. Usually American Express sends out a series of surveys trying to gauge the interest of different benefits. Today surveys were sent out for the EveryDay Preferred & Blue Business Plus asking for a ranking of the following benefits ($10 monthly for EDP and $25 monthly for BBP): PayPal, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Nike, Streaming.  I suspect we will see both of these cards refreshed later this year.

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  • Let’s all take a breath before we whine. Nothing has happened to it yet. If Amex changes the BBP to a $95-$150 AF, but they give a $25/month PayPal credit, I’ll jump for joy.

  • I remember somebody on the forum told every body that the rep said that last year, they got a letter saying that those that have a business card without a legit business or signed up as a sole proprietor will have their cards shut down. A year later, nothing happen. I'm not gonna worry about it until it's actually true. Until then, enjoy the card...

  • Don't necessarily put so much weight on what Amex sends in their stupid surveys. They sent me a survey last year for a long-discontinued-for-new-applications card (the Blue For Business), and asked me among other things would I recommend the card to new users. How in the world can I recommend a card to new users when Amex discontinued the card (for new applications) several years ago? Why do they send out surveys that are THAT STUPID???

    And if they send out surveys that are THAT STUPID, how much of their other surveys for cards that exist might also have been written by morons??? (Perhaps it's not people? Perhaps it's some moronic AI that generates these surveys from badly-constructed rules?)

  • Are people just speculating that an annual fee will be added to the BBP, or is this something that was explicitly mentioned in the survey?

    • They can't hike the af from $0 to $200 plus without mass cancellations. They might be able to go to $95 or they might just introduce a blue biz premier for around $195.

  • I received a survey today from amex, different subject, and it included a $10 gift card to starbucks, target, or staples (mailed)

    It pertained to my perception of the mandatory change from the business rewards gold to business gold, which included an increased annual fee from $175 to $225, but an increase from a 3x category to 4x category

  • Jeez Amex...are you seriously about to turn the best no-annual-fee card in the country into an also-ran?