Amex Checkout: $5 Moneymaker with Ticketmaster is Back

We’re not quite done with Amex Checkout yet…

We wrote previously, Amex Checkout Updates: Newegg, Sabon, Ticketmaster, WSJ, & More. The one that appeared dead was the Ticketmaster. Not only were the $1 donation options gone, Ticketmaster actually coded the system not to allow Amex Checkout payments to work on these small/donation purchases.

Reader Tom points out that it’s still possible to make $5 per Amex card via donation. The trick is to purchase a free ticket to an event here and then add a $5 donation to the cart. Since you’re buying an ‘ordinary’ ticket, the system is allowing you to pay with Amex Checkout and this should work to trigger the $10 credit. Total profit will be $5.

This method may die eventually (if only because we’re posting it), but it seems too small and limited to make much of a difference and they probably won’t even bother stopping it if they find out about it. That said, if you want to take advantage of this moneymaker, it’s worth doing it sooner rather than later.

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