[Expired] Bank Amerideals/Chase Offers: Save 10% at Verizon, Max $25 Cashback

Deal has expired, view more Verizon deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Check your Bank Amerideals for the following offer:

  • Earn 10% back on your Verizon purchase, with a $25.00 back maximum
  • A number of banks use the same back end for these offers. This includes: Chase, Bank of America, Regions Bank, Suntrust Bank, BBVA, BB&T, PNC, Columbia Bank, Beneficial Bank, and Christian Community CU. You can read this post for more information.

The Fine Print

  • Offer expires 4/23/2020.
  • Offer valid one time only
  • Payment must be made directly with the merchant.

Our Verdict

Not a bad discount for those with Verizon. Verizon is also offering some additional data and free international calls to some countries currently.

Hat tip to reader Vgd4ever

View Comments (15)

  • Not seeing the Verizon offer but on Chase I'm seeing a $5 offer for joining Amazon Prime. I already have Prime and my renewal is due in about two weeks. It's not clear if this offer covers renewals too.

  • As of Mar 28, 2020, my Chase offers have dwindled to 4, and half of those expire on Monday. I never get any value out of them so I really don't care, but I wonder if this idea has run its course.

    • Yes. I paid my Verizon Fios bill on March 30th and Chase offer is showing as redeemed as of today.

  • Kind of weird since Verizon doesn’t let me use credit cards for autopay unless I want to forgo their autopay discount.

    • It should still work. You need to keep autopay linked to your checking/debit, however, you pay with a CC before the scheduled autopay date. I have been maintaining the autopay discount plus earning 5x on CC. Hope this helps and works for you too!

        • That's interesting. They changed things recently (last few months, confirmed on Howardforums website) and take away your autopay discount if you make a partial payment when they didn't used to. Cost me an extra $40 this month when I did it last month. Fortunately I got CS to refund that but given that the guy said "since it's your first time", I don't want to try it again if it isn't going to 100% work.

        • Yea I’ve been using visa gift cards through the Office Depot and staples deals on those gift cards. I can’t think of any other way of getting much of a return on my Verizon bills.

          • DP: You can buy VZW (not prepaid cell) gift cards in-store using VGCs, and they won't affect your auto-pay discount so long as you leave at least $1 for the debit card to pay. Of course, most Verizon stores are closed at the moment.
            Also, multiple DPs trying different configurations of directly paying with the CC all lost the discount as of last May-June.
            Tracey, Elliott, have you been able to use the VZW website with VGCs? I always get denied and have to place it over the phone, with an $8 fee and $8 credit because it failed online. Their payment system tries to authorize a recurring payment even for a single payment, which the Visa or MC GCs decline.

          • So how do you apply the VZW gift cards to your account once you have purchased them? Just pay on the website? I just got burnt last month losing my autopay discount after making an additional payment on my Chase Freedom card to take advantage of the 5% quarterly savings. I did that after the autopay for the month had already processed. Things changed recently (more recently than last May/June, i think) and Verizon is definitely taking away the autopay discount if you make any additional payment with a credit card. I got it refunded this time but I am hesitant to try something with much less than 100% guarantee of working.

      • That hasn't worked for anyone in a while. Check your statement closely, you should see an additional charge for the autopay discount clawback.

        • You're right. I actually don't see anything related to autopay discount nor clawback. But I totally forgot the discount I'm seeing is actually the military discount. My bad.