Mastercard Now Offering ShopRunner As A Benefit

When we originally posted this we stated this was a benefit for Barclaycard Mastercard’s, but it seems like this is just a standard Mastercard benefit now. World Mastercard & World Elite Mastercard cardholders can get a complimentary membership to Shoprunner, providing free two day shipping and free return shipping at 140+ stores. This has been a a benefit on American Express cards for some time. You can read more about ShopRunner here.


Hat tip to reader 987h

View Comments (27)

  • There is nothing to be exited about having ShopRunner.
    I have had ShopRunner for years through Amex but never used it since it doesn't make sense to buy overpriced items with so called free shipping.

    • If you do 100% of your shopping on Amazon, probably not. If you shop around it can come in handy sometimes. Ive used it with Newegg,,, abd Domino's (back in the day).

    • Not necessarily overpriced items. I think it depends on the retailer. I buy a lot of stuff from Express (clothes store). They had a flat rate shipping for $8.00 which i didn't like - sometimes they had items (mainly shirts) for sale for a low as 15-20 bucks, I couldn't bring myself to buy a 15 dollar shirt and pay 8 dollars for shipping. Now they've joined Shoprunner and its been very helpful.

      How does Shoprunner make money? I have been a member even before I got an Amex - there must have been a free trial in 2010/2011 i think and I never paid for a membership and never activated the amex offer and my account has still been active. Between a free trial that never ends, Credit cards that offer it as a benefit, I dont see many people paying for it..

      • Plenty People pay over a hundred dollars a year for "free" shipping from Amazon even though you get free shipping even if you don't pay for Amazon Prime. I think shop runner is a gimmick that the merchants pay for.

        • Agree, somewhat, but Prime isn't free. I don't have Prime. That's just part of being an informed consumer and smart shopper, but there are instances where it makes sense to spend for a membership to save overall.

          If you WANT Amazon stuff to show up quicker, or make frequent small orders, Prime might make sense, especially as opposed to running out to the mall and paying full price. And, if you get use of the other account features. It's no different than choosing to pay for Sam's Club when you can buy the same products at Wal-Mart (in smaller quantities).

          I almost always look to get the lowest total price, not faster shipping, so instead of tying myself to Amazon, I shop around. There are occasions I want a reputable seller, and not just assume the product I could buy from E-bay is legitimate, for example. I am not one to buy filler items just to get free shipping on Amazon, so I usually wait to build up an order to the minimum free shipping. Some people don't have that kind of patience. Not only that, some people do get enjoyment out of shopping... to each their own.

          Anyway, occasionally this offer (Shoprunner) might help someone. How often that occasion occurs varies greatly by person. MasterCard is much more common than Amex, so this just opens Shoprunner to more people.

          It's good info to have... and free, so I really don't see what there is to complain about. Really doesn't matter if it's a gimmick... or how the FedEx bill gets paid. Use it, if it makes sense to use it. I have used it, and the free return shipping many times.

    • Occasionally comes in handy at NewEgg.. if you're a geek like me. Not all items are eligible though.

  • I just looked at this and noticed only Newegg would benefit me as a shopper. Most of the stores are designer brands, and i just buy inexpensive clothing mostly. I don't shop Newegg much so this is a slightly useful benefit. But is this a free 2 year membership (Paypal sent an email offering one for free) or lifetime unless Mastercard cuts the partnership?

  • How creative! How innovative! Way to differentiate your product. How did they come up with this?

  • I have had Shoprunner as a benefit of my AMEX card for a couple of years now. Depending on how much you use the quicker shipping, it may be ok. I lost interest in it when Domino's dropped it.
    Once upon a time, Dominos Pizza gave free delivery to Shoprunner members. Waived the delivery charge. That freebie is now history as Dominos Pizza ended their association with Shoprunner.

  • I can confirm that it works on non-Barclaycard world elite Mastercards. I just enrolled my world elite Citi Doublecash and already made a purchase with it and got Shoprunner benefits.

  • FYI, this is a new benefit that began late last month that's eligible for any World and World Elite Mastercard cards issued in the United States. Which basically means 99.99% of Mastercard cards out there.

  • Bewared using Shoprunner, it can void the use of other promotions or cashback with some retailers. Make sure you are not signed in with Shoprunner in the same browser you use to cash back.

    • I've never had this happen. I would fight with the cashback site since I've never read any terms that exclude Shoprunner.

      • Mostly 1-800-Flowers and family of stores. I usually can get it to take shoprunner and a portal (ebates or topcashback), but you can't use a promo code with shoprunner.

        Not that it matters, since I usually hit at least a trifecta of discounts, sometimes a quad, and since they overcharge for shipping there, a no shipping discount is worth it. My family is big into Harry and David for Xmas presents, so it adds up.

        • 1800flowers just makes up exclusions as they go. They aren't an example of a legitimate merchant. They have screwed people out of legitimately earned cashback before so not surprised they suddenly blame Shoprunner as excluded too.

          • When I used ShopRunner on a 1-800-Flowers purchase recently, it was clear that doing so made it ineligible for earning airline miles. It said that using ShopRunner meant that I could not use any other promo code, and it said at the top of the page that in order to get the airline miles I had to use a promo code. I'm not a fan of this policy, though it was at least fairly transparent...

          • Its actually coded into their site. If you use shoprunner you cant apply any discount codes.

  • Eligible on my wife's Barclay Rewards (PC from A+).

    Nothing on my Barclay Rewards (PC from Sallie Mae) or Arrival (PC from A+).

    I was wondering if it just didn't show up because my Rewards doesn't come up first when I login. I logged in as my wife, clicked the "X" on the popup, and went to find it elsewhere on the site to see if I could figure out where to look in my own profile. Sadly, I can't find it, and I can't get the popup to appear again.

    • Nevermind. Second time I logged into my account I got the popup. Doesn't seem to matter that my Rewards and Arrival are just Mastercard and my wife's is a World.