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Update: Customer support has told one reader there is a limit of 10 rebates you can do. They say they will be updating the rebate form as such. Not sure how exactly this will work as there was clearly no limit listed before and customer support told other readers as such. I guess we will need to wait and see if they do actually add a limit of ten and how that’s handled for purchases that have already been made.
The Offer
- Purchase a $50 third party gift card at Bed Bath & Beyond and receive a $10 Bed Bath & Beyond gift card when you complete the rebate form. Unknown limit, last year it was two. In addition last year you could do it at Harmon & Buybuy baby as well
The Fine Print
- Must postmark by 1/31/2019
Our Verdict
They did a similar promotion last year, but that required $100 for the same $10 rebate so this is a better deal. Last year some stores showed Mastercard gift cards as a third party gift card, whereas others didn’t. Not sure what actually ended up happening with those rebates. I imagine this will be a popular deal, will be interesting to see what the limit is and if they offer it at Harmon & Buybuy baby as well or not. Don’t forget to use the 15-30% back at Bed Bath & Beyond from Wells Fargo go far rewards if you have it.
Update 12/13/18: A reader forwarded us an email they received from BedBath&Beyond that there is no limit to the number of rebates per person, so you can buy multiple $50 gift cards, even on a single receipt, and get a $10 rebate for each one. They also said that you can do a single submission which shows multiple $50 gift card purchases on one receipt and get a rebate for each one.
View Comments (174)
My DP:
Got 2 * $40 rebate for 2 Mastercard $200 purchase in seperate transactions and received my gift cards on Feb 3.
Got an $80 rebate card today after purchasing 2x$200 in one transaction. I'm pleased.
Yeah, I got a $40 GC for purchasing a $200 VGC... Arrived yesterday. Also stacked with Ebates in-store 6% back.
Should have gone for more! (But maybe not too much more given some of the limits). Does this offer happen frequently? Just around the holidays?
I think they had this promotion around christmas time in the last 3 years (i didn't frequent this site before that so not 100% sure). As far as stacking with ebates in store earning, be careful with that! I found myself suddenly locked out of my ebates account a few weeks ago without any warning or email communications. I honestly had no clue what went wrong or i did anything wrong. I had to submit support tickets so many times to have them explain what's going on. Basically they deactivated my account because of the ineligible purchases during the holiday (giftcards from BBB and officedepot). I know giftcards are not eligible earning cashbacks, but I'm using the same card for everything, if i delink my card then i wouldn't able to earn on legitimate purchases. So i thought its up to them to decide to give me the cashback or not. Very often the purchases don't track (even for legitimate orders) but i never once contacted them cuz i was either too lazy or i had mixed gc in the order and knew better not to make a fuss. So closing my account suddenly and right before paying out (early February) i was really shocked and upset. After I filed a complaint with CFPB last week they reactivated my account. But I'm still not sure as going forward how to avoid earning cashback on gc other than not buying them at all. I feel like they are asking me to do their job and it's not quite fair.
My DP... this turned out way better than I expected. My store had 10x$200 MCGC left, I bought them all and split it into 5 transactions (not knowing exactly what the rules were, but 10 transactions seemed absurd). Of the 5 rebate submissions 1 got denied (not sure why) but 4 arrived today, each for $80. TBH I wasn't really expecting to get much, but the return ended up being 16% on $2000, less the activation fee of ~2.5%. Helped me get my HH biz cert, too.
I bought 4 $200 Mastercard in 4 separate receipts (2 different days) and submitted all of them because i wasn't sure if they will give me $10 or $40 for $200 mc. But they only approved 2 of them, the rest two were rejected citing exceeded household limit. Yesterday i received the 2 $40 BBB gc, so i don't know how they calculated the 10 limit.
Just a speculative guess... Limit 10 might have been interpreted as ten $10 rebates, so obviously you were OK on 8 of them since you got $80. But then the next $200 triggered something in the system to see 12 which is over the limit and then they didn't have the software written to do partial. Would be curious to see what happens if you pushed for $20 more with CS.
I also guessed like that so didn't push any further (i rarely shop at BBB and they don't allow giftcard to buy gc so i don't value their gc much). The funny thing is last week i received another card from them for $25. The verbiage in the letter was a bit different from the $40 ones - it has a tracking number that didn't match to any of my submitted rebates, and it thanked me for shopping there. Weird.
I bought 4 iTunes gift cards and was told by the clerk and manager that I was entitled to a $10 BBand B gift card since I purchased over $50 in gift cards. Extremely disappointed and frustrated with BBandB rebate program. I was given a rebate form by a clerk (verified by manager) and attempted to use the online form to obtain the rebate. I entered the offer number so I wouldn't have to scan the receipt, completed all info and received a confirmation. The online form has a typo (purcheas instead of purchase) and the confirmation states "You're (!!) Submission is Now Complete". Very unprofessional and unexpected for a big corporation. A few weeks later I received an email that there was a problem "not enough purchased". Spoke to rep who said they didn't have my receipt. I was told if I sent that, my rebate would be on its way. So I scanned it and sent it. Next I get email that "theproducts" (missing space) included on receipt did not meet minimum to qualify, and specifically said that Itunes (wrong capitalization) was not included. When I spoke to rep today, I was told that email must have been a mistake and that it should have been the email with a new tracking number for my reward ($10 Bed Bath Card). I originally submitted the rebate on December 21, and only now, after a lot of time and aggravation, am I getting the deserved rebate. I think the company they hired to do the rebates is either extremely incompetent or is trying to avoid paying rebates.
Looks like buying a $200 VGC ended up with $40 rebate approved.
Too much trouble!!! bought $200 VGC in store.
First got invalid notification
Sent in receipt, then got approved
Just received another email saying Missing Order Number
What should I need to send them???
Unfortunately, we could not honor your request due to the following reason(s):
Missing Order Number
Anyone have link to rebate form? The link posted above is for January rebate and i cannot find rebate form anymore. :(
10 separate online submissions denied. sent all 10 in 1 email with all 10 receipts, (because i had no idea which tracking number went to which receipt.) 48 hours later, i get an email response that all 10 have been approved
Seems all the rebate submissions are invalid. Anyone has the same issue?
Yes, same issue. Reason was: "Not enough purchasedInvalid Purchase LocationInvalid POS Record Not Found" - which I think is summarily a list of every reason a rebate could be disqualified.
I know sometimes we take advantage of loopholes around these parts and in those situations, complications come with the territory. But it really grinds my gears when I make a legitimate purchase and have to jump through hoops to get the rebate >.<
Agreed. After sending the receipts in for 5 gift cards (seperate receipts), all 5 were approved by CS.
Same here. CS says there was a system error where none of the rebates were approved. CS noted that a scan of the receipt needs to be sent in to the rebates email with the rebate tracking number and that is how they will approve.
is the appropriate email the one posted by JM?
Everybody has had the same issue. The rebate processing this year has been a nightmare. E-mail your receipts and packaging copies to Be prepared to go multiple rounds. Read the thread above, and also here:
People have had their rebates denied, then approved, then denied again, and then approved again, with no rhyme or reason. Just be patient.
thanks for that info, I have to fight mine
Just got my rebate confirmed via email. 2 $200 VGCs and was approved for $80 BBB gift card, should be mailed within the month.
With the 15% off from WF that I used to purchase these, this was definitely a good money maker for me.
ditto. I used the 15% from WF and in-store cash back (ebates? RMN? can't remember anymore, but it was also good)