[Expired] Best Western: Buy $100 Giftcard, Get $20 Bonus Card (Bonus Card Expires 8/31/24)

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • Order Best Western gift cards now and receive a $20 Bonus Card for each $100 Travel Card purchased.

The Fine Print

  • The Best Western Gift Card® is referred to herein, individually, as the “Gift Card” or, collectively, as “Gift Cards” and formerly as “Travel Card”.
  • Best Western International, Inc. is referred to herein as “we,” “us,” “our,” or “Best Western.”
  • The Best Western Gift Card is a prepaid card, not a credit card or debit card.
  • Best Western Gift Cards are issued in the form of a physical plastic card, electronic card, or in some circumstances and in some locations, a digital printable format.
  • Guests must have the plastic, electronic, or digital printable format of the Best Western Gift Card in their possession to receive the value of the Gift Card.
  • Best Western Gift Cards purchased for the face value of the Travel Card carry no expiration date.
  • In limited circumstances, Best Western Gift Cards provided as promotional awards or otherwise for promotional purposes may contain an expiration date.
  • Best Western Gift Cards carry no value until activated. Best Western Gift Cards are not returnable, refundable or redeemable for cash, and may not be resold or transferred for value, except to the extent required by law. Lost, stolen, or damaged Best Western Gift Cards will not be canceled or replaced without card number and proof of purchase. Unlawful resale or attempted resale is grounds for seizure and cancellation without compensation.

Our Verdict

Could be useful if you can definitely use the bonus card before it expires.

Hat tip to GC Galore

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