Blue Cash Preferred: Up To $450 Back ($250 Sign Up Bonus + 10% On Amazon)

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Receive a sign up bonus of $250 after you spend $1,000 on purchases within the first three months of card membership on the Blue Cash Preferred card (You might see an offer for only $150, but it’s possible to get the $250 offer by using incognito mode. It won’t work for everybody though)
  • You’ll also earn 10% back on up to $2,000 on purchases on the card within the first six months of card membership

Card Details

  • $95 annual fee
  • Card earns at the following rates:
    • 6% cash back at U.S. supermarkets (up to $6,000 in spend annually, then 1%)
    • 3% cash back at U.S. gas stations and select U.S. department stores
    • 1% back on all other purchases
  • You can only get the sign up bonus on American Express cards once
  • Valid until January 11th, 2017

Our Verdict

American Express seem to be rotating what they offer as the bonus category for the extra $200, recently they have had:

I wouldn’t bother with this offer unless you can get the higher $250 incognito mode offer personally as you can only get the sign up bonus on each American Express card once. 10% at Amazon will be attractive to a lot of people, but keep in mind a lot of cards often offer 5% back at Amazon, so this isn’t a huge improvement on that. If you do decide to go for this offer, don’t forget to use our Amazon link for your $2,000 in purchases (hahahahahahahahaha, kill me now). But seriously make sure you’re at least using a shopping portal to get the best value from Amazon. There is also a similar bonus for up to $450 on the Blue Cash Everyday Card.

As always, before applying make sure you read through these things everybody should know about American Express cards.

Hat tip to American Express media team & US Credit Card Guide

View Comments (11)

  • To not waste a business pull for an approved card today, I applied for this card on a recommendation.

    On instant application it said they were not able to provide decision right away, they would in 14 days.

    I called reconsideration and first person said because I applied for a business card and it was approved today, this one was not declined however had a 3-5 day hold.

    He was insistent there was nothing he could do even though I told him Ive had a card since 1978 and was trying to replace my costco card.

    I didnt see the email I had received from Amex saying they needed more information. The email said to call them within 30 days or they wouldnt be able to provide additional consideration.

    I called back, the person tried to push it through and tried to rush it.

    System wouldnt let him, he went the extra mile placed me on hold and came back and discovered it was just my physical address that needed to be updated vs my po box.

    He updated address, checked to ensure authorized user was there and approval went through.

    Still wasnt able to rush the card however, I didnt need that.

    So $250 offer, used direct link from post and now to work on $200 from Amazon. Which shouldnt be to hard with Christmas and my prime membership is due

    Once again thank you Doctor of Credit! This will be a great card for groceries & gas stations. The 2 categories missing in my overall credit card strategy.

    • Glad to have helped, Roberta! Looks like you did well by reading the site thoroughly and asking questions!

  • Does it makes sense to get BC preferred card for one year and then PC to regular version? What is better AmeEx card to choose to get value on cashback and offers if i don't have any?

    • it only makes sense if you already have BCE or open one before you PC. otherwise you'll lose the ability to get the sign up bonus on BCE.

      • Please elaborate on this. Are you saying one cannot get the Preferred Card first and the Everyday card with bonus later?

      • Right, but still another question, which Amex card available now is more interesting in terms of benefits and potential everyday offers?