Burger King Game: Bounce (Free Crowns Or Food)

The Offer

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  • Burger King has a new game where you can earn free crowns or food. Valid until 4.7.25.

Our Verdict

One free play per day.

Hat tip to reader Eric

View Comments (18)

  • thanks!
    i just scored a free original chicken sandwich with minimum 1$ purchase, expired tomorrow (i guess the reward expired in 24 hours). going to buy a iced coffee and this free chicken.

  • To everyone who doesn't know how to play, you literally just hit the "ball" until you mess up in some way.

  • Haha, I obviously don't know how to play. I keep missing all the dribbles. For those who don't want to play, there's a small 'skip game' button near the bottom of the page. I only won some crowns, was hoping for a free food item.

  • Better deal. You fill out the customer satisfaction survey online and they give you a code number to write onto the receipt. That gets you a free Whopper If you buy small fries and a Small cola. If you’re over a certain age, Can’t remember what now, You can get the small drink very inexpensively.

  • Over 21 days the average should be:
    (150*2 + 75*10 + 50*10 + 25*26)/100*21=462 Crowns

    e. One hundred fifty (150) Royal Perks Program points (“Crowns”). Odds of receiving this Reward are 2 in 100.

    f. Seventy-five (75) Crowns. Odds of receiving this Reward are 10 in 100.

    g. Fifty (50) Crowns. Odds of receiving this Reward are 10 in 100.

    h. Twenty-five (25) Crowns. Odds of receiving this Reward are 26 in 100.