We Can Now Use $5,000 in eBay Gift Cards per Month

eBay changed the terms to allow up to $5,000 in eBay gift cards to be used per calendar month. The daily limit is $2,000.

There have been many stages with regards to eBay gift card usage, the most recent being that we can use $2,000 per rolling 60-days. However, as of October 14, 2016, the eBay gift card Terms have been updated to allow these higher limits of $5k per month and $2k per day.

The change is two-fold:

  • Limits are up from $2k/60 to the new limit of $5k/month-$2k/day
  • Limits are now based on calendar month

[There is still a limit of eight gift cards per transaction, and Bucks/codes/coupons all count toward this limit. There used to be a limit of $1,000 per transaction; as far as I can tell, that limit has been removed, and you can now do $2,000 in one transaction.]

Of course, for many of us, all of these limits are inconsequential since we can no longer use eBay gift cards to buy third-party gift cards and bullion. That said, some resellers or other heavy buyers will be affected by this change.

We’ll update the post 34 Things to Know about eBay and Paypal to reflect the change.

Hat tip to christopherrcooper on Reddit

View Comments (7)

  • Could the authors please comment on their experience with ebay gift card refunds? I had one refund that never actually went back to my card. Just have a PayPal "voucher code" that I cannot use. Kind of scary if you don't get a refund for a $500 ebay gift card. Luckily mine was only $5, but still. Be careful!

  • This is another trap to allure people in until they change the terms next time, probably next month.

  • Not that it matters much without them working for gift cards :(....I can see that changing with the lack of gift sales they will be seeing