Capital One Savor Signup Bonus Down to $300 (Previously $500)

[Update 3: $500 offer is really dead now.]

[Update #2: $500 offer is dead.]

[Update: Reader Tim tells us about a working $500 link. Here’s the link. Unlikely it’ll last long.]

Capital One has reduced the signup bonus on their Savor card from $500 to $300. The spend requirement is still the same at $3,000 within 3 months.

Direct Link to Savor Card

We previously reported (twice) that the public offer had gone down, but that affiliates were still showing $500 (and often incognito was showing $500 as well). Now, however, it appears to have been reduced to $300 across the board. If anyone finds a $500 link,  please let us know.

The SavorOne card remains at $150 bonus, as before.

View Comments (48)

  • First year AF still waived as of 11/8/2019. However, I only see $300 bonus for spending $3000 in the first 3 months.

  • Capital One Savor has a referral program now. $100 for the referrer (up to $500 per calendar year), same $300 for the referred person. It says the referred person needs to be a "new Capital One cardholder".

  • I was lucky enough (thanks DoC!) to be approved for and receive the Savor with the $500 bonus. I filled the requirements and got the bonus promptly and paid off the card immediately. Somehow, I still owed $3.00...not saying that wasn't legitimate. I had $37 in remaining bonus credit. Here's what I learned...maybe everybody else already knows this:

    1) Because I didn't make the $3.00 payment on time, Capitol One not only assessed a $3 penalty...they FROZE my credit card. Found this out when I tried to use the card.

    2) Capitol One does not allow Savor customers to use bonus credits towards their minimum payment due.

    3) To get the account unfrozen quickly, I had to set up a payment from my checking account on the phone.

    On the plus side, the card has a nice heft and a presumably hip logo in which the "A" appears as an upside down V.

  • I clicked on Tim's link and I got the message "We Are Sorry... We apologize for the inconvenience, but the offer you requested is expired or invalid."

  • Same identical link T&C one time $500 for $3000 spend. Refresh the same link got $150 for $500.00 spend. YMMV. Yes, I have a screen shot. No - I did not apply.

    • I have downloaded the T&C which has details of $500. Additionally the $500 bonus is mentioned in the approval email I received.

  • 3/24 and 825 credit score. I was denied for this and basically denied for Barclay Arrival Plus last month because I refused to fill out a 1060T. I've never been denied a credit card application prior to these two.

    • which link was working for you? Tim's link didn't work for me, it led to an error page on many tries.