Claws Back Portal Reward Earnings

Update 6/27/23: Another round of clawback happened a few days ago for March and April orders. Let’s hope they end up re-crediting this time as well.

Another update 3/8/23: Capital One Shopping, Capital One Offers, and other portals have now credited again our accounts for December purchases. Yay! The main thing seems to be that they wanted to adjust the cashback to not to pay portal rewards on the fees, only on the base card amount. That seems reasonable enough.

Update 3/8/23: We initially reported this as a Capital One Shopping/Offers issue. However, based on a few comments (1, 2, 3), it appears it’s a more general reporting issue. They apparently decided not to pay out for most December purchases. It’s important to point out that many of the promo codes we were using were explicitly allowed by the shopping portals, and I don’t see any leg for them to stand on. Ultimately, it’s the shopping portal’s responsibility to fight this with so that they properly award the rewards/cashback.

Original Post 3/6/23:

Lots of people are noticing that Capital One Shopping portal/app/extension and Capital One Offers are clawing back portal earnings from Visa/MC gift card purchases made in December. In some cases, people already cashed out their portal balance and are seeing their balance go negative.

There were a few cases where Capital One was giving more rewards than expected due to an error where they multiplied the purchases amount. However, Capital One is clawing back even the legitimate portal owings for absolutely no reason.

I suspect that they noticed the error on a few accounts and just reversed everyone’s cashback, even those that were earned properly. Personally I see on my Capital One Offers ‘cancelled’ on around $100 in legitimate earnings. 😥

I sent out a tweet to Capital One about this. Hopefully they’ll reverse course and grant earnings to those who are properly owed.

View Comments (132)

  • Does anyone whose order got clawed back in June happen to remember whether you had used a promo code? P2 and I got purchases clawed back (and eventually restored), but only ones where a promo code was used. Purchases without a promo code were not clawed back. I am trying to figure out whether that's the pattern. @guest_1640731 @guest_1641113 @guest_1643196 @guest_1642743 @guest_1642939

  • Updated DP: Both P1 and P2 had had points from already credited and redeemed transactions from late March and early April reversed, resulting in large negative balances in both accounts. After e-mailing C1 Shopping CS, and some back and forth, both accounts were brought back up to zero in August "as a courtesy," with no acknowledgement of any error on their part. I am now weary of making any large purchases through C1 Shopping. I feel like we lucked out because we had already redeemed our points, and worried that they might try to claw back future earning before we can redeem them.

  • I followed up on the clawback with capital one shopping through email, but it didn't look like there's any substantive progress. After a month, they're still investigating.

    • The canceled cashback returned to my account today. The email from customer service only mentioned the portal reissued the cashback without saying more details like what happened.

      • @guest_1661521 Do you happen to remember whether you had used a promo code? P2 and I got purchases clawed back (and eventually restored), but only ones where a promo code was used. Purchases without a promo code were not clawed back. I am trying to figure out whether that's the pattern.

        • I didn't use any coupon code for the order the cashback of which was once reversed. I am curious about the clawback patterns, too. I don't plan to use the portal for giftcards again, except for a very high cashback rate, such as the 24% offer. It's too much work to follow up on the cashback issues.

          • @guest_1661521 Thank you. I will post a summary of all the responses at the top of this post once I hear back from everyone I tagged, and try to identify any pattern I see.

            Just to confirm, was yours a order, or another merchant?

  • I have two orders track (and credited already) on CapOne Shopping, but no clawback. I'm holding onto my $178 balance and hoping that CapOne brings back Walmart gift card redemptions.

    • Ironically I'm holding $180 of Walmart from them b/c they had suspended Albertson's/Safeway at the time and this was the only other one I have hope of spending!

  • besides the clawback, the redemption options cap1 offers are also pretty lame. I think it's better to take less cashback on other sites and get cash payout than what gc cap1 offers

    • yeah. pretty sure they had home depot at one point but now its pretty barebones in terms of usefulness of the merchants they have

  • Haven't had any issues with CapOne. CS sent me money that was owed. $17 x 2. No screenshots. I make sure and cash out as soon as I get enough. It's Swagbucks that has lousy followup CS.

  • Living the age of clawbacks. AMEX, Capital One... funny how they are simply allowed to go back and do what they want.

  • My purchase from TireAgent (on Capital One Offers - not Shopping) in which I did not use any coupon codes was paid out in Jan, but now is showing showing Canceled. So far I haven't seen a clawback.

  • I'm done with capital one shopping. So many teaser offers. I've had to file so many missing cashback claims. And now they clawed back $200 in legitimate cashback and I have to fight them to reverse it. This is a badly run / fraudulent casbhback portal.

    • Yeah, the Cap 1 Shopping portal is so poorly designed it's laughable. I had been filing approximately three claims a month for legitimate purchases that never tracked. I'd send them screenshots (ALWAYS take screenshots) and they'd acknowledge the mistake and credit my account. Recently, I had a large purchase from TireAgent with a 30% offer that should have paid out over $200. It never credited, so I went through my usual routine, sending screenshots and asking for the credit. This time their reply was basically "You're right, but we've given you credit for purchases that didn't track in the past, so we're not going to do it again."

      I read through all their T&C looking for a leg to stand on, but there's not even an arbitration clause -- all it says is that if C1 Shopping makes an error of any kind, the user's only recourse is to not use the portal anymore. These days I am exceedingly careful about using it. I'll stick with Rakuten or one of the others unless the potential payout is so good that I'm willing to gamble.

      Moral of the story: They will credit you for missed earnings, but choose your requests wisely, and don't squander them on small dollar amounts.

    • @guest_1642743
      Same thing happened to me and I'm planning to create a ticket. Where do you find the option in portal?