Capital One business cards have always reported to an individuals credit report. According to a conversation Help Me Build Credit had with a Capital One executive the Capital One Spark Cash card will no longer report to personal reports, but the Capital One Spark Miles will continue to report. In addition if the Spark Cash is not in good standing then it will report to your personal credit report. The change went into effect yesterday and it’s unclear if it will only affecting new applications or if existing reported cards will be removed as well (new applications only). The reason why this all matters is for the purposes of Chases 5/24 rule.
Update: Reports are that the Spark Cash Select does report.
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i think its the big spender bonus business cards that dont report to pesonal. venture x and spark cash plus. The smaller spender businedss cards, spark mile, cash, miles select, cash select do report to personal.
I got the Spark Cash Select on Jan 19. It is showing up on personal credit reports, and CapOne says that's normal.
I experienced the same. Spark Cash select does show on personal credit reports. Please addend the post @will
it reports. Applied for a chase card thinking it does not report. But denied for being over 5/24. But when I called reconsideration line they saw my spark card applied for earlier this earlier and counted it as one of the 5 cards. :(
correction. sorry. Mine was spark miles card that showed up.
Any data points that Spark Business does not report?
are Spark Cash select cards still appearing in the personal reports?
Mine showed up and I got it two months ago
Did you get the Spark Cash Plus or Cash Select?
I got Select- it does show
Applied for the Spark Cash June 2021
Got approved
1 month later, its reporting on my personal. Called into CAP 1, they said that as far as they know, the spark cards always reported to the personal. There haven't been any changes on their end.
Same for me, Aug 21 also. The absolute worst online advice I have ever received was from this thread. I have a hit on my personal credit in the middle of buying a house for a card that WAS for business use. Now it's useless.
When this thread first appeared, I called, and it was confirmed that it would not report. Nice that CapOne did a 180 and refused even to admit they've changed policy.
DP: I can confirm Spark Miles still reports to personal bureaus -- even recently opened cards
I know the link specifically says just Spark Cash and not Spark Miles, but it seems really odd that they would differentiate between the two like this. Has anyone gotten Spark Miles since October 21 and had it show up on personal credit reports?
I'd like to know that too, if anyone can share a DP
Has anyone recently churned this card and gotten the bonus? The Rate and Fee Information says "Existing or previous Accountholders may not be eligible for this one-time bonus." I closed mine in July.
approved instantly for Spark Cash with 10K CL. I already had the Spark Cash Select since 2015 but rarely use it since my initial bonus.