Update 9/7/22: Working again.
Update 9/6/22: Unfortunately Chase Ink Business cards referrals are no longer working.
(Update 1/7/21: Past few weeks business referrals were down, but they are back up now. Hat tip to s6fd6m7d7fh0ku)
Chase has brought back refer-a-friend bonuses on the INK Unlimited, INK Cash, and INK Preferred cards. Additionally, all 3 cards can refer to all 3 cards, e.g. if you have INK Cash you can refer to INK Preferred.
Find all your Chase referral links here.
Chase had removed the referral program on business cards some 7 months ago, and it’s really good to see it back. The fact that they enhanced it with the family referral system makes it many times better and much easier to refer friends.
Additionally, the increased $750 signup bonus on the INK Unlimited and INK Cash cards are showing up via referral link, as is the 100,000 INK Preferred offer. That makes those offers worth 20,000 points more – assuming you have a friend/spouse to refer you. I feel a little bad now having applied without the added referral bonus for a friend, but such is life.
No referrals in the comments below.
Hat tip to SouthFayetteFan
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Are these links more or less the same to generate a referral link?
Yep, either should work
Instant approved in Feb for CIC with SAME SSN.
Instant approved in June for CIU with SAME SSN.
Instant approved in Dec for CIC with SAME SSN.
Cross posted where relevant.
@guest_1503067 with exact same business name? basically submitted the exact same information on three applications?
What was the sign up bonus in each case?
Were all these sole proprietorships?
Did you refer yourself and get a referral bonus in each case?
Oops, I meant one was for 75K (no match), another one for 90K (75K with 15K match), and the last one for 90K straight up.
The first one was 75K but matched to 90K. All the rest were 90K. All sole prop and I definitely did NOT self refer (you can’t anymore IIRC). I used someone else’s referral.
All cards are still open floating 0% APR balances.
Have you noticed any down sides to floating a balance on biz cards? I am thinking about doing this but it would mean >90% credit utilization. @guest_1503067
It could hurt your odds of approval for the same issuer of the card you’re floating. BofA and USB didn’t like it so we had to negotiate to get approved.
My links stopped working.
Anyone still has working links
Mine is still working. (I got it a few weeks ago. If yours is older than that, maybe try getting a new link.)
Just noticed my INK referral links stopped working today. I’m unable to generate new ones from the app or desktop site.
Update: It started working for me again.
DP: P2 applied using my Ink Business referral link and was approved on October 16, 2022. I still haven't received any referral points.
No referrals here but I can't seem to find where to post it. Is there an easy way to find all available referral pages?
I currently have 2 Chase business ink cash cards and 1 business ink unlimited card. I know they're limited to 5 refferals per calendar year. Is that 5 total for all ink cards? Is that 5 per card? Is that 5 per product (so I'd only have 10 being 2 of my cards are the same product)?
I believe it's 5 per card, so you'd get 15 total
Can I only earn referral bonus on a card that I already have or any Chase card as long as I am a Chase card holder?
Can I refer my wife? She has a seperete log in but we share some checking accounts.
Yes you can I have done it and received the bonus.
I think you can
Thanks chuck
Now I feel bad for getting impatient
How long these take to post? Over a week and not even pending…
They take a few weeks to post.