Chase Downgrade/Product Change Tip

One of the rules for downgrading a Chase card is that your card must be open for at least a year before being able to do a product change. But it’s actually possible to downgrade to the Chase Sapphire (no annual fee card) without waiting this full year. Once you’ve done this, you can then product change to any other Chase branded card you like such as:

Thanks to reader Daniel S for confirming this and pointing me towards this /r/churning post.

View Comments (76)

  • You should update this post. Chase no longer allows CSP/CSR to no fee Sapphire atleast within the 12 months of opening.

    • Good to note. Was planning on doing this when I read the post but now I've gotta wait after reading your comment. Thanks

  • Good Day:
    I need assistance with 2 separate cards. Signed up for CSP on Sept. 29. 2017 and want to downgrade b4 AF kicks in. I also have CF, should I first transferred all UR to the CF b4 i downgrade to CFU. And when should i called to downgrade b4 Sept. 29, 2018 or shortly afterwards.

    Second Question: I have old SPG for almost 15 years. Can I re-apply for the new SPG and receive the points. Or is my only option is to accept the upgrade points being offered. Thank You in advance for your time and assistance.

  • How often can the same card be product-changed? Can I PC Sapphire Reserve into CSR, wait 2-3 months and PC into Freedom?

  • I PC my CSP to CS yesterday. Called again today they only gave me an option of PC’ing to a CFU. I decided to just pull through with it. I’ll call again tomorrow if the CFU can be PC’ed to a normal CF. Wish me luck

  • What is the current downgrade situation with Chase? Can I downgrade and get partial fee refund after the conversion?

    My Chase Ritz just charged annual fee. I'd like to keep it for a couple of months to get 2018 travel credit and then downgrade. Will this work?

  • Just PC’ed my CSP to CS yesterday. Called today and was only given the option of CFU. Anyone know if there’s a work around this?

  • DP: Wayyyy beyond 5/24, Fairmont converted over to CSP on August 15. Called to ask if PC to CSR or no annual fee Chase Sapphire is available, was told only Chase Sapphire is an option. Downgrade processed (card design in Apple Pay updated) after approximately 1 day, called in shortly after that to ask for a PC to CSR, but was told only Freedom is available. Card was opened March of this year.

    I'm going to wait for a week or so before calling again and see if CSR is available.

  • I recently downgraded from the CSP to the CS after having it about 4 months, (and after getting a new CSR). Attempted to immediately PC to the CF via SM, and was told to wait 1 complete billing cycle first. Resubmitted the request and was told that no PC was possible. Submitted the request yet again, asking them to explain my options, and they said I could only PC to the CFU. So I took them up on it since the CFU is a lot more useful than the CS, but no luck on switching to the CF.

  • When you downgrade the chase card, will the extended warranty for the product you purchased with the old card still be eligable to the new card? Specifically, I purchased an iPad with CSR, after one year I want to downgrade CSR to CS, then how about the extended warranty for the iPad? If it is still eligable, what if later I PC the CS to CF, then how about the warranty?

    • Not 100% sure to be honest, that's a good question. I'd recommend sending a secured message to ask that way you have some on record.