Chase Freedom 5x Surprise Category For March 2025: Insurance, Tax Prep & More

Update 3/23/25: Tax payments with pay1040 & ACI have been working to count as part of the ‘Tax Prep’ category.

Original Post 3/2/25:

In the Chase app, there is showing a “birthday surprise category” on the Chase Freedom and Freedom Flex cards. In celebration of the 15th birthday of the Chase Freedom, the Freedom cards will earn 5%/5x on Insurance payments and on Tax Preparation Services during the month of March.

The fine print states that the regular quarterly $1,500 limit will apply to these March categories along with the other quarterly categories (Grocery, Fitness, Spa).

Personally, I’ll be maxing out my Freedom Flex card with Grocery since I have the 10x signup bonus for the first year at Grocery. On my other Freedom card, I’ll likely try using up the $1,500 limit in March 2025 on Insurance payments.

Hat tip to reader mangorunner

Update 12/18/24: A reader reached out to let us know that apparently there will be bonus categories each of the quarters in the coming year (2025), in honor of Chase Freedom 5% fifteenth birthday. We’ll find out later in the year what the bonus categories are for Q2, Q3, and Q4.

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