Chase Offers: Apple Pay, Use Five Times & Earn $10 Back

The Offer

Check your Chase Offers for the following deal:

  • Use Apple pay five times ($5 minimum per transaction) and get $10 back

Our Verdict

Should be fairly easy to complete if you have access to Apple Pay.

Hat tip to mcmlifestyle

View Comments (21)

  • off topic but I don't see it mentioned elsewhere on DOC. The new Chase offer interface really sucks when adding multiple offers. I can't click + and then click on a blank space to close it out to then add another offer. Now have to click on + and then the Back button on the upper left corner of the page. Really time consuming now to add multiple offers on the webpage.

  • 0/9 on Chase Business cards, 0/1 on chase personal card. I have had some of the Inks enrolled in Apple Pay.

  • For anyone who *was* targeted with this offer:

    - Did you already have the targeted Chase card or other Chase cards in your Apple Pay wallet?
    - Did you have the Chase app installed on an Apple device, but no Chase cards in your Apple wallet?

    • My CSP is targeted. I think it may be that I rarely use CSP, and less than $200 a year. Also, I did already have it in my Apple Pay wallet.

  • I am not seeing it in my Offers, but I also only have a checking account and Amazon Prime Visa

  • What does the icon for this offer look like? Chase offers are displayed to stupidly, one only sees the company logo and not the name.