The Offer
Check your Chase Offers for the following deal:
- Use Apple pay five times ($5 minimum per transaction) and get $10 back
Our Verdict
Should be fairly easy to complete if you have access to Apple Pay.
Hat tip to mcmlifestyle
Check your Chase Offers for the following deal:
Should be fairly easy to complete if you have access to Apple Pay.
Hat tip to mcmlifestyle
View Comments (21)
off topic but I don't see it mentioned elsewhere on DOC. The new Chase offer interface really sucks when adding multiple offers. I can't click + and then click on a blank space to close it out to then add another offer. Now have to click on + and then the Back button on the upper left corner of the page. Really time consuming now to add multiple offers on the webpage.
0/5 on 3x Freedom, Unlimited Cash, and Sapphire Preferred
0/9 on Chase Business cards, 0/1 on chase personal card. I have had some of the Inks enrolled in Apple Pay.
0 for 5 across CF, CFF, Bonvoy Boundless, CIU and CIC.
For anyone who *was* targeted with this offer:
- Did you already have the targeted Chase card or other Chase cards in your Apple Pay wallet?
- Did you have the Chase app installed on an Apple device, but no Chase cards in your Apple wallet?
My CSP is targeted. I think it may be that I rarely use CSP, and less than $200 a year. Also, I did already have it in my Apple Pay wallet.
No, to either of your questions and was targeted on Flex & Unlimited.
I am not seeing it in my Offers, but I also only have a checking account and Amazon Prime Visa
What does the icon for this offer look like? Chase offers are displayed to stupidly, one only sees the company logo and not the name.
Nothing on any of my 4 Chase cards.