Chase Offers/BofA: 10% Back On AmazonFresh ($10 Maximum)

Update 11/3/24: Available again.

Update 10/6/24: Deal is back until 10/30/24

Update 3/3/24: Deal is back and valid until April 6, 2024.

Update 11/24/23: Deal is back for 5-10% at Amazon Fresh, up to $10 statement credit, valid through 12/31/23. (ht DDG)

The Offer

  • Earn 10% back on you AmazonFresh purchase ($10 back maximum)
  • A number of banks use the same back end for these offers. This includes: Chase, Bank of America, Regions Bank, Suntrust Bank, BBVA, BB&T, PNC, Columbia Bank, Beneficial Bank, and Christian Community CU. You can read this post for more information. Now includes Chase as well.

The Fine Print

  • Offer not valid on Amazon Prime or Amazon Prime Now purchases.
  • Offer not valid on third-party purchases.
  • Expires 3/29/2020.
  • Must add offer to card.
  • Statement credit will appear within 14 days.

Our Verdict

Nice discount. Stack with other Amazon Fresh deals.

Post History:

  • Update 2/26/22: Deal is back with 10% back on Amazon Fresh, up to either $10 or $7. There’s also a different version for 5% back (that one includes Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods via Amazon). Valid through 3/31/22. Check if you have this on the Freedom card which has 5x on Grocery now. Hat tip to reader Celia
  • Update 8/17/21: Deal is back, $7 max this time. Hat tip to reader Ben

View Comments (24)

  • I got 10%/$10 on some cards and 10%/$7 on others. They have a store near me but the prices are too high to make this worthwhile.

    • I don't shop there much, just go in and grab an Amazon gift card. I've got the offers on my Freedom cards so it stacks with the grocery 5%.

  • I’ve had negative experiences with Chase Offers when a credit doesn’t post. Made an initial call to Customer Service. But those reps can’t see your offers. So, I then got transferred to Chase Experiences which has nothing to do with Chase Offers. More time down the drain. I then got transferred and got Customer Service again who can’t see the offers. Transferred again and was told that the hold time was greater than 20 minutes.

  • I actually got 15% up to $15 on my Freedom.

    As an FYI, had issues last round with Chase. The online version didn't credit and when I decided to use it in store, I only got 5%. Worked flawlessly before then. Don't know if it was a Chase or an Amazon coding issue.

  • Can add Wells Fargo to the group of banks that utilize this same set of bank end shopping offers, as they're exactly the same ones I see on my Chase cards

  • I received the 10% off, up to $10 from BoA. I also received a $15 off $35 coupon both by email and USPS. I plan to combine the offers. I don’t think my nearest Amazon Fresh store is doing so well. Empty parking lots, almost out-of-date food on shelves, and lots of coupons being sent my way.

  • Purchased an Amazon GC on the Amazon Fresh site. The charge posted as "" but was categorized as Grocery Stores. It automatically triggered the offer credit and received 5x UR points on the CSP.

  • @will (American Express deal where you get a free trial and $30 off your first order.). I don't think this applies any longer since there is no separate sub for Fresh anymore. Amazon folded the service into Prime in December 2019, a move I think they regret when the pandemic hit a few months later :)