[Expired] Chase Offers/BofA/AmEx: AT&T TV, Spend $50 & Get $40 (2x)

Deal has ended, view more AT&T deals by clicking here.

Update: readers note the same deal is available via Amex Offer as well.

The Offer

  • Get $40 back when you spend $50 at AT&T TV. Offer can be used twice, expires December 31.

A number of banks use the same back end for these offers. This includes: Chase, Bank of America, Regions Bank, Suntrust Bank, BBVA, BB&T, PNC, Columbia Bank, Beneficial Bank, and Christian Community CU. You can read this post for more information. Now includes Chase as well.

Our Verdict

Lots of people are seeing this one; nice savings for AT&T subscribers. Feel free to discuss best options in the comments below.

Hat tip to readers leapfrogger and Carl

View Comments (24)

  • Did anyone try paying AT&T TV Now and still get the credit? There’s a new chase offer. Yes I know that Now is technically excluded.

  • I paid my uverse bill for $50 and hopes it triggers it. Like it did way back when with the “fiber” deal last year but that took a month later to tell.

    No email, just a credit about a month later. I doubt the mobility wireless will work. So I’m keeping that spend on the INK.

  • Everybody minds the $15/mo early termination feee for EVERY month you cancel before 24-mos contract ends.

    • They're trying to apply their old school wireless and cable mentality to streaming services.
      Which is why DirecTV Now flopped big time. They've again tried that with HBO Max, again a disastrous rollout.
      Pretty sure the ATT top brass is sitting in their board room scratching their head "For decades and decades, our model's been to dangle a carrot and once the customer falls for it, we own them for two years, right? we're doing the same thing now, why wouldn't it stick?".

      2 year contract with hefty cancellation fees? In 2020? Do these people have the ability to Google stuff and find out what's going on in the world?!

      Wake up AT&T! The only way to compete is to work hard, real hard. It's brutal out there but that's what free market is.

  • This will *not* stack with the $20 Amex streaming credit, right? (because that's only AT&T TV Now?)

  • I read the fine print and checked into this closer. My advice is STAY AWAY. I currently have AT&T TV Now, which is month to month. Unfortunately for the Amex/Chase offers this deal is for is AT&T TV (without the Now). It appears to be rebranded AT&T TV Now, but with a BIG catch: it is a 24 month contract. NO thanks.

    • No, it's like basic cable. It comes with your local channels, a few things you've heard of like CNN, ESPN, BBC America, and many things you haven't heard of.