Chase and Paypal have announced a partnership that will make it easy to add Chase cards via Chase Pay to PayPal accounts, and will soon offer customers the option of paying with Ultimate Rewards points when linked through Chase Pay at PayPal’s millions of online merchants.
Chase told Doctorofcredit that the implementation of the partnership will come in 2018.
There are a number of collaborations here between Chase and Paypal as part of this agreement:
- It will become possible to add a Chase card to Paypal from within Chase Pay.
- Cards linked to Paypal through Chase Pay will then be able to redeem their Ultimate Rewards points for purchases when paying with Paypal at millions of merchants who accept Paypal.
- Chase tells us that they aren’t focusing right now on announcing exact details of how it will be implemented, but they did make it sound like the value will likely be .8 cents per point, as is the value when redeeming Ultimate Rewards points on Amazon. (It never makes sense to use these options since you can redeem the points straight-up for cash at 1 cent per point.)
- Chase will process Chase card payments from PayPal via ChaseNet.
- I’d guess that’s something which will save Paypal some processing fees.
- Chase cardholders will be able to use their PayPal account in-store through the PayPal mobile wallet.
- I’m not sure if this partnership is really necessary for that; Chase cards can always be added to your Paypal account and then used in-store (I think?).
- Braintree will make Chase Pay available as a payment method for its merchants to integrate into their checkout experiences.
- Sounds like Paypal will essentially be promoting the use of Chase Pay instead of Paypal itself.
Citi also just announced a partnership with Paypal to enable redeeming ThankYou points at .8 cents per points at Paypal checkout. I wonder if Amex will do the same for their Membership Rewards points.
View Comments (15)
Paypal freeze my fund for that I re-submitted "add money" from my bank account for 180 days. Total less than $200. Yes, screw paypal.
Just to add to the chorus of people and how much they hate Paypal, it's really important to remember the history of Paypal. This company asked people to use their insecure AOL email addresses to send money online. It should have sunk like a stone. Elon deserves credit for Tesla, but none of the founders deserve any credit for this terrible company. The reason it didn't sink like a stone was the personal intervention of the Great God Luck.
I was very happy in 2016 when Peter Thiel declared how immensely fucking stupid he is with his Trump support.
That would be a terrible waste of points
I echo the above sentiments. Fuck paypal with a thousand aids dicks.
Motherfuck paypal
Samsung Pay is also going to support Paypal:
I freaking hate PayPal. Horrible evil company.
This is stupid. Why wouldn't people redeem for statement credit at 1cpp and also earn rewards on the spending?
Same reason they offer 0.8 with Amazon, people aren't very smart.
It's actually good for the smarter ones. After all, banks need to make money somewhere to keep the current model going...
well, in their defense, it's not unreasonable to assume that some people really are that stupid...
i concur x 10
Fuck PayPal.
In the words of Shakespeare ..anus deep Paypal.
Hah, yup