Choice Privileges Q2/Q3 Promo: Complete Two Stays, Get 5,000-8,000 Bonus Points

The Offer

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  • Choice Privileges is offering 5,000-8,000 bonus points when you complete two stays between May 7th and August 9th, 2019. The number of points you earn will depend on the base points earned from your two qualifying stays (e.g you’ll end up with a maximum of 8,000 bonus points total).

The Fine Print

  • Registration required at before check-out.
  • Promotion is only available to members of the Choice Privileges Rewards Program.
  • After a second qualifying stay with arrival between 05/07/2019 and 08/09/2019, members will be awarded a minimum of 5,000 and maximum of 8,000 bonus points, depending on the number of base points earned from the two (2) separate qualifying stays.
  • The bonus points awarded are enough to reach the 8,000 point level, which can be redeemed until 09/30/2018 for one (1) $50 gift card at selected retailers.

Our Verdict

Might as well register just in case you complete any upcoming Choice stays. Not nearly generous enough to get me to change my booking habits.