[Update – Citi Strata Elite] Citi Files Trademarks For Citi Strata Premier & Citi Strata Elite

Update 11/14/24: Obviously the Citi Strata Premier has obviously launched but there are two pieces of information regarding the Citi Strata Elite.

  • If you put in citi.com/citistrataelite (what would normally be the benefits page) you get a message saying ‘Project Onyx Test Page’
  • Somebody spoke to a branch manager and they said it would be a lounge card to replace the Citi Prestige. These lounges will initially open in select entertainment venues as a test bed prior to airport locations. This lines up with Citi filing a trademark for Strata Lounge

Update 9/25/23: According to a source close to FM, these cards are being shelved and won’t launch anytime soon. Chances are this is due to restructuring at Citi. I’d be surprised if we didn’t see some sort of Citi Premium card launch in 2024, but it’s seemingly not happening anytime soon.

Update 8/28/23: These cards are getting closer to finally launching. The Citi Strata Elite will compete with the American Express Platinum with a comparable annual fee and ‘coupon book’ credits. Overall doesn’t look super compelling from what I’ve seen but Citi might tweak the offerings before launch.

Update 3/7/23: Citi is now soliciting ideas on how to elevate their concierge offering. Hat tip to Which Card To Get?

Update 2/9/23: A commentator on FM states this card will launch in late April and earning rates will surprise some. As always an unverified rumor but speculation is fun.

Citi has filed trademarks for the following:

Both applications state that that these are for credit card products. Citi stopped applications for the Citi Prestige in 2021, so it’s possible that the Strata elite could replace that product. Sometimes these trademark applications lead to new products and sometimes they don’t lead to anything.

Hat tip to Proud Money

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