Citi Launches ‘Citi Merchant Offers’ [Showing For Everybody]

Update 5/6/22: Looks like Citi has fixed it so that citi offers are now showing for most/all cardholders.

(Update 12/4/20: You can also find Citi Merchant Offers in the Citi app: Services > Products & Offers. Hat tip to reader Matthew)

Citi has launched a new platform called ‘Citi Merchants Offers‘,  a card linked rewards program similar to AmEx offers. It seems that not everybody has the same offers, for example we posted a BPME deal but not everybody saw that offer on their card (some people don’t see any offers at all). The advantage of these card linked offers is that they can be stacked with other discounts such as shopping portals. Citi seems to have a lot of local offers, so I assume that this program is a whiteof another program rather than being run by Citi directly (Update: This is Rewards Network).

Hat tip to reader Matthew

View Comments (168)

  • Why on earth do they hide theses offers that one has to search through blogs to figure out how to access them?

    • Because half of the time they don't work, like with a recent one I had in February. Unlike most cards, Citi will not make an unposted credit right. Instead they will raise two fingers - the index finger to point at the merchant for allegedly not issuing the credit (WTF? It's your offer, Citi!), and the middle one at the customer who is left with no meaningful recourse, at least until a Class Action rolls around.

      Bottom line: BEWARE, Citi CSRs will not do anything if the credit fails to post besides delay you for 3 billing cycles and then give you the two fingers noted above. So don't waste time browsing and adding Citi Merchant Offers, ever. Just pretend they do not exist. If the other card benefits are not enough, then bin the card.

  • The new Uber offer has a limit of 4 redemptions. I took a ride last week and the tip posted separately. I received two $10 credits (the tip was much less than that). I don't recall if the old offer was limit two, or if it just triggered two different offers. There is also a new $9.99 back on Uber One (i.e., free). Limit is two, but it expires 9/19 so no way to use it twice unless you sign up two accounts. I actually signed up for it on one account, only to find that they used my Uber cash to pay for it, so it did not get charged to Citi. I contacted Uber, and they could not figure out a way to charge it to my card instead, so they just reversed it and I joined on my other account. I'd never been a member on that one, so it was free for a month. But I did get $25 off my first Uber Eats order for signing up, and now that I have a new Uber One Merchant Offer, the first month they charge me for will be free.

  • I saw that several of you posted about redeeming the BP offer. Did all of you make the purchase using the BP app? If so, can you note how it showed up on the statement? I am wondering if using the Citi card without the app would still trigger the offer even though it shouldn't qualify based on the terms.

    • Several months ago I tried the BP offer but the app wasn’t working. So I paid by card as you said and didn’t receive a credit.

    • Is there a reason you don't want to use the app? Seems like a small price to pay to get the $10 off.

      • I just wanted to have a backup in case the app doesn't work for some reason. Also, it is much easier to just give the attendant my credit card rather than have to use the app.

        I chatted with Citi earlier but the rep couldn't confirm either way. Do you have any idea why they would require the app for the offer?

        • Well, we've had offers from AMEX in the past that required the app. You might check those threads to see if it worked without the app.

          • There's been too many Amex offers posts to waste time finding them. Do you happen to know of any specific ones that were posted on DoC?

          • No, I do not, but I can't imagine that searching on the app name (BPme) will bring up that many posts that don't discuss the issue. Either use the app to be safe, or don't use it and see if it doesn't work. But the offer is expiring soon, so you really don't have a lot of time to redo it if it does not work.

    • I used the app, showed "BP#000000 CityQPS phone number." Not sure that helps. It did also show online as the purchase method. Too about 3 weeks for the credit to show though it showed as redeemed a week after the purchase posted.

  • TLDR: Citi Merchant Offers, users beware, changing terms mid promotion?

    I was excited to finally access these offers after a long time of seeing nothing in my account, and found that I had Uber Eats offers on three of my cards. The offer states: $10 off $25+ purchase through Uber Eats app, can be used (3) times per card. I was able to place three separate orders of $25+ through the Uber Eats app for Card 1, and it looks like it tracked fine, although not clear when that credit will be paid out.

    On Card 2, I did the same, (3) separate orders of $25+ through the Uber Eats app. This time, it looks like it only tracked ONE of the orders. Then I notice that the terms of offer apparently changed, it now says the offer is good for (1) use. Is this Citi doing bait and switch by changing the terms of the offer if you actually start to use them?!?! I should add that I made all these Uber Eats purchases in a short period of time, around 6 orders in two to three days time.

    On Card 3, I did use the Uber Eats offer once, and it did track. I also see that on Card 3 the offer details say it can be used (3) times.

    Has anyone noticed a changing of terms of these Merchant Offers? I think it is pretty low for Citi to change the offer terms after enrollment, and I am nearly 100% sure that the terms on Card 2 stated the offer could be used (3) times. From some threads I've seen it looks like I'll be pulling Citi's teeth to even get the credits that actually tracked. How to get Citi to fess up to the changing of terms is a whole other story.

    • Can't answer your question, but I will tell you that one of my cards had two redemptions for the BP offer, and I was able to redeem it twice. All my other cards only had one.

      • How many times did you redeem the BP offer over all of your cards? Did they all post automatically?

        • In this current iteration of this offer, I have redeemed it and been paid five times across four cards (plus once more today, but obviously no data point on that one). The last two, I made the purchase on 6/9 and got paid on 6/17.

          • I'm planning on attempting my 1st tomorrow so hopefully it will go well like it has for you.

  • I see the offers on my premier but not on my Business AA card. Does anyone see the offers on their Citi AA business card?

  • How long is it taking people to get their merchant offer credited? I had an Uber eats offer, set to expire 4/30. I added the offer then placed an Uber eats order on 4/18. Today is 5/ month later, and still no credits anywhere. I've called in and keeping being told it will "show in the next statement". The offer doesn't even show as redeemed either. It seems their offers aren't as reliable as Amex.

    • I redeemed the BP offer twice last week (had it limit 2 on one card) and got paid today. It was showing redeemed for a few days before that. My Uber offer (actually an Uber One monthly subscription payment) took a couple of weeks and ended up being credited as the Uber offer rather than Uber One, so it seems like they may not code Uber purchases properly. But that one was also showing as redeemed before being paid. So I suspect you will need to wait until your statement closes and then go back to them.

  • I thought these would work like Amex offers where once you add it to your card, it's there until you use it. But quite a bunch of the offers I added have disappeared already.

    • That doesn't sound right. They do stick around until you use them, or the expiration date.

      • I saved an offer for $30 back on $200 at Best Buy that was set to expire in November that I wanted to use it on an upcoming camera purchase this month, but it's just not there anymore. So I was not sure if these offers go away if enough people redeem them, regardless of if it's added to your card.

  • I got the BP offer, showing as redeemed, but no credit yet (shows as redeemed 5/10)

  • My credits for offers from Sam's (16 April) and BP (18 March) surprisingly posted on the 9th, 3 days before statement closing, for more than I had hoped. Could it be that Shiti is getting their cit together? Nah!

  • I have only citi double cash. I got an email today about the merchant offer. Logged in and saw some good offer. Also can see on citi app.