The Citi Prestige card has long had the best trip delay policy out there, only requiring a delay of 3 hours to trigger the benefit. Around March they made a change to the benefit and made it so that if the delay was caused by a miss connection unless your first flight was delayed by more than 3 hours. Another negative change is coming into effect on 7/29/18 unfortunately and a delay of 6 or more hours will be required. Other cards with a 6 hour delay policy include:
- Chase Sapphire Reserve
- FNBO TravElite (no longer offered)
Citi is also reducing the price protection policy they offer on the same date. I wonder if there are any other changes they are making that we aren’t currently aware of. Update: Full list of negative changes can be found here.
Hat tip to @TravelNSO
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The 3 hour trip delay protection/benefit was the reason I used the prestige card to book all my trips, especially in the winter. I don't get use of the 4th night free benefit because most of my hotel stays are award stays.
Surely it was a matter of time. I can't even imagine how much money they were losing that way.
"Around March they made a change to the benefit and made it so that if the delay was caused by a miss connection unless your first flight was delayed by more than 3 hours. "
I know that this is how they are enforcing it, but is this missed connection thing now documented in the T&C's?
Also, as a side note, this is how they've been enforcing it since at least October 2017 b/c I ran afoul of the rule back then
No, still not mentioned AFAIK
This makes the Citi/AAdvantage Executive Card the only card product I'm aware of offering 3-hour trip delay insurance.
Sounds about right. I could easily see Citi nerfing Priority Pass on the Prestige as well akin to the CSR PP nerf. At that point, only the 4th night free perk will remain as a standout benefit.
I assume this will affect already booked flights? Of course, I just booked two Aug/Sept flights on the Prestige just for this reason....
Don't think so, but not 100% sure.
I thought Ritz was also 6 hours
Ritz is 6 hours, the same as CSR.
on Chase's website it says 12 hours.
Time to dump the prestige even if Im still getting the $350 AF? I primarily just used the card to book flights (even the tax or fee) to get the 3 hour delay benefit
I've gotten some very good retention offers. But otherwise the card offers virtually nothing special.
seriously. at this rate, unless you actually use 4th night free, there's no reason to keep this card vs. CSR.
I keep telling myself to keep the card just for the 4th night free and I've honestly never used it once in the last 3 years of owning this card because staying somewhere for 4 nights is just weird - our trips are either 2 to 3 nights. If its longer than that, we usually change hotels and cities. I can see it being awesome if you are able to book for work and they reimburse you
What's the source of this info? I can't see the change in the official terms...
It's listed when you log into your account and view the benefits, there is the old guide to benefits and a new one.
At this rate by the end of the 2018 most "insurance" type benefits even on premium cards will become useless (or non-existent) :/
Amex hasn't shown many signs of weakening the Plat card's benefits. But otherwise...
True. But that's why I also don't use my Amex Platinum for travel expenses. I direct it to my CSR as they have better travel protection.
The benefit getting worse and worse. Now the only real benefit is the 4th night free compare to CSR.
Which has already been nerfed to exclude taxes... getting ready to PC this to a Citi double cash next chance I get.