Citi Makes Yet Another Negative Change To Trip Delay Policy For Prestige Cardholders (Now 6 Hours Instead Of 3) From 7/29/18

The Citi Prestige card has long had the best trip delay policy out there, only requiring a delay of 3 hours to trigger the benefit. Around March they made a change to the benefit and made it so that if the delay was caused by a miss connection unless your first flight was delayed by more than 3 hours. Another negative change is coming into effect on 7/29/18 unfortunately and a delay of 6 or more hours will be required. Other cards with a 6 hour delay policy include:

Citi is also reducing the price protection policy they offer on the same date. I wonder if there are any other changes they are making that we aren’t currently aware of. Update: Full list of negative changes can be found here.

Hat tip to @TravelNSO


View Comments (24)

  • The 3 hour trip delay protection/benefit was the reason I used the prestige card to book all my trips, especially in the winter. I don't get use of the 4th night free benefit because most of my hotel stays are award stays.

  • Surely it was a matter of time. I can't even imagine how much money they were losing that way.

  • "Around March they made a change to the benefit and made it so that if the delay was caused by a miss connection unless your first flight was delayed by more than 3 hours. "

    I know that this is how they are enforcing it, but is this missed connection thing now documented in the T&C's?

    Also, as a side note, this is how they've been enforcing it since at least October 2017 b/c I ran afoul of the rule back then

  • This makes the Citi/AAdvantage Executive Card the only card product I'm aware of offering 3-hour trip delay insurance.

    • Sounds about right. I could easily see Citi nerfing Priority Pass on the Prestige as well akin to the CSR PP nerf. At that point, only the 4th night free perk will remain as a standout benefit.

  • I assume this will affect already booked flights? Of course, I just booked two Aug/Sept flights on the Prestige just for this reason....

  • Time to dump the prestige even if Im still getting the $350 AF? I primarily just used the card to book flights (even the tax or fee) to get the 3 hour delay benefit

    • I've gotten some very good retention offers. But otherwise the card offers virtually nothing special.

    • seriously. at this rate, unless you actually use 4th night free, there's no reason to keep this card vs. CSR.

      • I keep telling myself to keep the card just for the 4th night free and I've honestly never used it once in the last 3 years of owning this card because staying somewhere for 4 nights is just weird - our trips are either 2 to 3 nights. If its longer than that, we usually change hotels and cities. I can see it being awesome if you are able to book for work and they reimburse you

  • What's the source of this info? I can't see the change in the official terms...

    • It's listed when you log into your account and view the benefits, there is the old guide to benefits and a new one.

  • At this rate by the end of the 2018 most "insurance" type benefits even on premium cards will become useless (or non-existent) :/

    • Amex hasn't shown many signs of weakening the Plat card's benefits. But otherwise...

      • True. But that's why I also don't use my Amex Platinum for travel expenses. I direct it to my CSR as they have better travel protection.

  • The benefit getting worse and worse. Now the only real benefit is the 4th night free compare to CSR.

    • Which has already been nerfed to exclude taxes... getting ready to PC this to a Citi double cash next chance I get.