Citi Offers: Uber/UberEats, Get $10 Discount (4 Times Use)

Update 3/31/22: Deal is back for both Uber and a separate offer for UberEats with $10 off on four uses ($40 total). There are a few variations of these offers so check to see what you got. (ht MEAB)

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Citi Offers is offering any Uber trip, up to $10 discount; offer can be used 4 times ($40 total savings)

The Fine Print

  • Valid until 2/28/2022

Our Verdict

This is a frequent offer we see from Citi, usable if you’ve done it before.

Hat tip to DDG

View Comments (74)

  • Is there any way to keep the order and tip combined in one transaction to make the $25 threshold easier to reach for UberEats?

    • I've found that if I change the tip after, it goes through as a separate purchase, and if I don't change it it's bundled with the rest of the order. Missed out on a few $10 credits bc of that

  • Do you know if it works with Postmates? Postmates charges show up as “uber postmates” so not sure it will trigger the credit

  • New offers showed up in my account.
    Uber One "Earn $9.99 back on a purchase of $9.99 or more.",
    Uber "Earn $5 back on a purchase of $15 or more.",
    Uber Eats "Earn $10 back on a purchase of $25 or more."
    All expiring on June 30th 2022.

  • Are these showing up as redeemed for anyone? In the past they showed up as redeemed sooner than this. My first charge was on Apr 2.

  • Offer excludes taxes and fees....if I use a promo code would I lose the statement credit?

  • On Double Case:
    Got $10/$25 Uber Eats – 3x.
    $10/$10 Uber – 4x.
    And $10/$10 Uber One – 2x.

    For the Uber One offer, it says for new members only. Is there a way for them to know? Also how can we redeem it twice in one month?