Citi Pay Masterpass To Be Discontinued On August 31st, 2019

Citi has announced that Citi Pay Masterpass will be discontinued on August 31st, 2019. Citi launched this in early 2017, initially they offered one targeted promotion to get people to use the service but never seemed to really commit to pushing it. I’m not surprised they are finally discontinuing it.

View Comments (11)

  • Is there a form of Masterpass still available? Or is Citi Masterpass the only one out there?

  • Very interesting... as I understand it, Masterpass is the MC branded version of 3DSecure, an e-commerce fraud prevention tool. Merchants would use this primarily for the [chargeback] liability shift as it brought parity to Card Present and Card Not Present transactions (although interchange was notably unaffected).

  • Just one negative thing after another with Citi. Looks like I will be putting these cards in my sock drawer.

  • After recv'g email (4:31 EST today) from Citi stating the Masterpass discontinuation, I logged into Double Cash account (same login) with the intent to ZAP (disassociate) anything between the two entities. (Masterpass and Citi Dbl Cash)
    Unfortunately nothing to separate (at least on "our" end that I could find). I say "unfortunately" as I would have been comforted entirely canceling that feature.

    • There is absolutely no way to close the Citi masterpass account. Spent over a week and numerous phone calls trying to do it previously since masterpass will only let you associate your phone number with a single account. Hopefully once it is shut down I will finally be able to reuse the number.