Citi Prestige 75,000 Point Signup Bonus Still Available In Branch Until 10/14

Update: A reader was shown an end date of 10/14. & Confirmed still working

Update: Bonus still available but only in branch. Due to expire on 10/7 in branch according to US Credit Card Guide (with a picture confirming this end date).

Offer has expired, if anybody finds a working link please let us know.

Update: Normal direct link no longer works, but this link does (stripped down TPG link).

The 75,000 Citi Prestige offer is now publicly available on the Citi site.

Direct Link to offer (working link)

A couple of weeks ago, Citi increased the signup bonus on the Prestige card to 75,000 Thank You points after $7,500 in spend, but only TPG had the 75k link, Citi’s regular site showed the old 40k offer, and that’s the one all other affiliates had too. TPG had an exclusive on it until today, August 3rd.

The 75,000 offer is now showing on Citi’s site. You can find it at the direct link above, or by googling ‘Citi Prestige,’ or by visiting and finding it among the other credit cards there.

You might need to use a cookie-free browser to see the offer. Incognito is an easy way to see it. Read our original post for full details and analysis on this offer.

One thing to keep in mind is that blogs and websites who are Citi affiliates don’t seem to have the 75k link yet. Presumably, they’ll get it tomorrow or sometime soon. If I were applying, I’d wait until they get the links so I can support a blogger who provides value to me. We don’t use credit card affiliate links here on Doctorofcredit.

Hat tip to reader yet another redditer

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View Comments (66)

  • Looks like this is still available.

    Can anyone confirm they have applied and not had a problem using this zombie link?

  • Branch still works - just received bonus offer and had CSR print out document that states offer valid until 10/14.

    • Hi,

      I was wondering if you have the photo of the document states that the offer is valid until 10/14?


  • I've missed out, I will go to the bank tomorrow. btw the TPG link seems doesn't work anymore

  • DP: Went into branch and banker was showing no welcome offer. He did show a screen saying updated signups bonus on 10/15, but it didn't show what it was.

  • I applied in branch and my app went into pending. When my banker submitted, his screen asked for a security code, which took a full minute to hit my cell. By that time, my banker had already backed out and couldn't return to the page. He said he never gets prompted for the security and to not worry - my app was in pending, which is true for all apps. Hope he's right...

    Oh - and he gave me a printout of the offer - in the top right it says "Valid Through 10/07/2017."

  • DP: personal banker at full branch just showed me in-branch offer expires 10/14. (Large text on screen) App system currently down nationwide. @ sweet home Chicago, IL.

  • Something to be aware of – when I received my prestige card, it said in tiny letters on the page the card was attached to that I was not eligible for the bonus because of a Citi Card I had opened or closed. I called and learned that the premier card I got 26 months ago had gotten a new card number at some point, perhaps because I had lost it, and they were saying that as a closing of a card. Make sure you read the sheet the card is attached to carefully!

    • thanks for reminding that. I have a similar situation. Changed a new citi prestige number due to lost card last year. Will see if my newly approved citi premier will treat it like a card close.

  • dangit, looks like the current Prestige 75k link is dead. just missed it eh? ;(

    anyone know of another zombie link by chance? or should I just app for some random offer link & have Citi try to match it?

  • Just tried the labeled "working link" at the top and got this error: "A system error has caused a delay in processing your application." when I tried to go to the app page. Is it dead?