The Offer
- Coinbase is offering $5 Zcash (ZEC a cryptocurrency) for watching short videos on the cryptocurrency [$1 x 5 videos]. Answers are as follows:
- A privacy-protecting cryptocurrency
- It keeps your financial information safe, so it can’t be sold, shared, or spied on
- Through a cryptographic breakthrough known as the zero-knowledge proof
- 0.0001 ZEC
- November 2020
Our Verdict
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Hat tip to reader Steve
View Comments (19)
Annoying. I completed all 5 questions and only received $4 out of the $5. All 5 questions are now marked as earned too, so no way of knowing which one has an error.
Question 4 may have changed. The correct is (predictably): ZCASH
Ugh - the answers for 1 through 3 worked, and then I got the BS “There are a lot of people earning right now! Come back in an hour to try again.”
Tried again THE NEXT DAY and they changed Question #4:
4) Which asset has the option to send and store value privately?
It looks like I had already done 3 of the videos in March. I guess they just recently added 2 more videos. But those last 2 videos always say "There are a lot of people earning right now! Come back in an hour to try again." For some of the other recent offers, I'm still on the waitlist, so maybe that error really means the same thing as waitlist.
does anyone know what happens if you get a question wrong? do you just forfeit the money?
It gives you the opportunity to try again.
On the waitlist as usual. I think my account is borked.
My husband is always waitlisted too but I always get it. I'm also getting the same come back later message on questions 4 and 5 like others are reporting.
mine too! anyone know how to fix this?
Can't finish question 4 and 5. Keep getting this message "there are a lot of people earning right now! Come back in an hour to try again"
Me too. Did you ever complete 4 and 5?
I tried again to no avail, it's a waste of time to keep trying.
Got the same
They must have added questions to an old offering because I already had 3/5 done.
I used to mine this coin and it went to total crap. Stick with ETH
how do you mine them?