Discover offers two primary credit cards: Discover it & Discover it Miles (and variations such as Discover it Secured). It has been possible to do a product change from the regular Discover it card to the Discover it Miles card since February of this year, that isn’t particularly useful though as after the first year the Discover it Miles card isn’t that attractive (1.5% on all purchases, doubled at the end of the first year).
It’s now possible to do a product change from the Discover it Miles card to the regular Discover it card that earns 5% in rotating categories. This is much more attractive as you earn 5% cash back on categories that change quarterly (with a spending cap of $1,500). This means you can get the Discover it Miles to earn 3% the first year and then product change it to the Discover it card to get 5% cash back thereafter in those rotating categories.
It’s not possible to do a product change until you’re no longer enrolled in the Discover Cashback Match program (meaning you need to wait one year to complete the product change). You can view a full list of product change/downgrade options & rules for each card issuer by clicking here. It’s also worth remembering that you’re limited to a total of two Discover credit cards and you need to have your first card for twelve months before you’re eligible for a second card.
Hat tip to Yoel B
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Miles now allow referral. If you want one to get 10k miles, please go to My referral code is in the comment area.
Anyone know what happens to your Miles when you product change to an It? Assume converted to accumulated cashback bonus at 1 cent/mi? The relevant answer in the Discover PC FAQs has not been updated to reflect that this PC is now available.
anyone know if you can product change from discover it to discover miles and then signup for the it again to get the double cash back in year 1 and new member bonus?
product changed about a month ago with that idea.
You definitely can, as long as your first account has been open one year. Cashback Match can sometimes say "for new cardholders only" but that just means new accounts, not that you can't have an existing Discover card already. You could technically open a new account every year and get the Match as long as you stay at 2 accounts maximum. You can even have multiples of the same time of account if you want to have two of the regular Discover it to max the 5% categories.
I'm pretty sure you can product change the Discover it to the Discovery it Chrome. I product changed from the Discovery it Chrome to the Discover it.
I think you can do the bonus again but I would ask customer service before applying for a new Discover it card after the product change to make sure about the double cash back match.
Recent DP's on Discover it Miles PC to Discover 5% and then reapplying for 2nd Disc. Miles card to get the match again?
Don't see why it would be a problem.