Yesterday Discover announced that they would be giving everybody an additional 10% cash back on all in store purchases made with Apple Pay to celebrate the fact that Discover cards can be added to Apple Pay from the 16th onwards. This means you can get up to 30% cash back with the Discover it card if you’ve enrolled in the Double Cash promotion as well.
People were flooding our other posts with referral links which meant that useful information was more difficult to find. That being said, the referral links give you a $50 sign up bonus which is doubled to $100 versus the $0 public link, so they are a better option (remember you can have up to two Discover cards).
You can put your referral links in the comments below, if you don’t already have a Discover card (or want a second) then consider using somebody else’s. A few rules:
- Only post your link once.
- If you’re going to bribe people to use your link, you must offer them at least $25 (you’re getting $50, don’t be rude and offer them $5. That’s insulting and greedy).
Thanks and hopefully you get a referral or two.
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$100 statement credit after first purchase within three months. Thanks for using my link, have a blessed day!
Easy $100.00 statement credit for you!!85c6846e8a!a
$100 statement credit after first purchase within three months. Plus unlimited matching cash back rewards for first year. Apply now!!efb5b00340!a
Get easy $100 :!96119c7539!a
Get a $100 statement credit. Thank you!
Get easy $100 with first purchase!67b70ecb9b!a
$100 for both, Thank you!!a2a2ba22a7!a
$100.00 statement credit after your first purchase.!970114f0fd!a
$100 with first purchase. Thank you!!217d2f37fb!a
$100 with the link, Thank you!!0e79985c72!a