[Expired] Discover Savings $100 Bonus with $15,000 Deposit

Bonus has expired, but there is a better offer now available for $150/$200, click here to view that.

Bonus is expiring soon, as it’s one of the best savings accounts we are reposting. Make sure you regularly check the deals calendar so you can view what deals are expiring soon.

Offer at a glance

  • Maximum bonus amount: $100
  • Availability: Nationwide
  • Direct deposit required: None
  • Additional requirements: Deposit $15,000
  • APY: 1.10%
  • Initial Deposit: None
  • Hard/soft pull: Soft
  • ChexSystems: Checking does have Chex inquiry
  • Credit card funding: None
  • Monthly fees: None
  • Early account termination fee: None mentioned
  • Expiration date: May 15, 2017 July 17th, 2017 August 21st, 2017
  • Insured: FDIC

The Offer

Direct link to offer

There’s no landing page for this offer, but on the third page of the application there’ll be a promo code box. After inputting the promo code, you’ll see the terms of the offer. APY on this account is now 1.10%

The Fine Print

  • Apply for your first Discover Online Savings Account (OSA) by 8/21/17
  • Deposit at least $15,000 by 9/5/17
  • Not available to existing or previous Discover savings customers.
  • Bank account bonuses are treated as interest and you’re required to pay taxes on them.

Avoiding Fees

There are no fees to with this account.

Discover does not have any minimum balance requirement, and you can withdraw all the funds after opening the account and fulfilling the $15,000 deposit requirement.

Early Termination Fee

There’s no mention of a fee for closing the account at any time. Note that you need to leave the account open until March 31st or whenever the bonus posts.

Our Verdict

This bonus is very often available, but usually it requires an affiliate link which we don’t use on our site; this current offer is a public one. We’ve been trying to get Discover to do a DoC only deal, but limited progress has been made.

This deal is pretty good if you can float $15,000. It doesn’t look like there is any deposit requirement length, so you should be able to deposit $15,000 and then immediately withdraw it. In the past bonus has posted around 5-15 days after the $15,000 requirement has been met.

Lots of people like the Discover bonuses since they are so easy to do, and the interest rate offered on the account is decent too (though not the best around). We will be adding this bonus to our list of the best saving account promotions.

Hat tip to Mehuk

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View Comments (125)

  • Will/ Chuck

    Bonus increased to $150 or $200. Link : https://www.discover.com/online-banking/savings-lng-04

    1. You must open your account by October 2, 2017, using Offer/Invitation Code S817.

    2. You must deposit $15,000 or $20,000 by October 16, 2017, and maintain that balance for about 15 days.

    3. The $150 or $200 bonus will be credited to your account by October 31, 2017, and your account must be open when the bonus is credited.

  • opened account before 6/30
    15k available on 7/12.
    bonus should be credited before 7/28
    filed a disput

    a lot of hassles with discover bank :(

  • Since Discover Savings / Discover AAA Savings tend to be once per lifetime, is there any rationale to close these accounts?

    • I keep them open with small sums. The interest is fine, and sometimes transfers might trigger DD bonuses elsewhere. Nice interface, too.

  • There's a new (I think code) that has the same terms, but doesn't expire until 9/5/17. Code is S717

      • yes confirmed

        To get your $100 Bonus: What to do: Apply for your first Discover Online Savings Account (OSA) by 8/21/17. Enter Offer Code S717 when applying. Deposit at least $15,000 by 9/5/17. What to know: Offer not valid for existing or prior Discover savings customers. Account must be open when bonus is credited. Bonus will be credited to the account by 9/19/17. Bonus is considered interest and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. Offer may be modified/withdrawn without notice.