Dollar General & Rite Aid Partner with Serve for Cash Reloads

Press Release

American Express announced today that their prepaid Serve cardholders can now add cash for free at Rite Aid and Dollar General locations.

The prepaid card has been partners with Walmart, Family Dollar, CVS, and 7-Eleven for quite some time; with the two new additions, Serve accountholders can have access to free cash reloads at over 45,000 locations.

Some retailers will allow loading Serve with a debit card as well, such as Walmart and Family Dollar, while CVS and 7-Eleven only allow cash loads. With regards to Dollar General and Rite-Aid, it seems to vary by location with some stores allowing debit and others only allowing cash loads.

HT: Reddit

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  • Rite Aid starting going cash only last week in my area. Up until that point I had been loading with gift cards. Back to Family Dollar for me I guess.

  • The Dollar General nearest to me has now prohibited use of debit card to load. Dang. Not sure if this is a trend in my area yet.

  • Has anyone tried loading their Serve card at Rite Aid with the Mango Money prepaid Visa? Would be a good way to offload the $500 monthly DD requirement to keep Mango's 6% savings account.

  • loaded $500 one vanilla visa GC @ RA onto serve, next day bought another 500 one vanilla and went to a different RA but was unable to load. will be going back to first RA later today to try and load GC that was rejected onto serve. hoping the problem was with the second RA and not my GC. In the past I've had GC that would not load onto serve but usually they were from Foodco grocery store owned by kroger. Any one else having similar problem?

      • Both RA are in Fresno CA. The one where it did not work was in a not so great part of town the one where it did work was in a better part of town. I went back to the first location and the GC that had previously not loaded to serve loaded just fine. Not sure y other location did not work but glad I was able to load it to serve

  • Guess there is a 24 hour limit. I loaded 1600 yesterday at 4 different RA. I tried today up to 800 and cannot load any more. I guess it's not like Walmart where you can load 2500 per day, instead, you have to wait full 24 hours... will try again tmr

  • I didn't want to get greedy and draw suspicion so I only loaded 1 card per store. Luckily there are plentiful RA around me. But I really don't think it's a great idea to try and load multiple at the same visit which could lead to clerks/managers getting suspicious and move to cash only policy.

      • I have no idea. I had the old Serve cards but closed it down months ago to get the Redcard for loads at Target, When that was shut down in October I closed the Redcard and this was the new Serve One VIP that was being recommended for GC loads. I went back to loading at Family Dollar - one per day per store but as of Tuesday their systems would no longer accept the gift cards saying invalid card type when I would try and swipe the GC. It was the usual employee that had loaded them for me in the past so I think it has something to do with the Family Dollar system in my area accepting gift cards as loads. My try another store but at this point if RA's are working then I'll continue there.

        • Was that Family dollar store sold to Dollar Express?
          I had the same problem, of a family dollar that couldn't load GC cards.

          • Not that I am aware of or at least there was no change in signs or uniform/smock. But it is kind of weird how it had nothing to do with the employee but the terminal would not accept it after so many successful loads in the past. Ironically I had tried my local Walmart earlier that day and was shut down after loading a few cards. The clerk called a manager over and she told me they no longer accept those types of cards. Ended up trying the money center (store does not have a KATE) and she told me they made a recent policy change not to accept those cards anymore. Tried another register (after actually purchasing a few things) and when she went to try and load her phone rang and she answered it. It must have been the store manager watching me and told her not to accept the GC for the load. I hate Walmart anyway so as long as there is another avenue for MS good riddance to having to go to Walmart.