Flu Shot Deals 2024: CVS, Safeway, Kroger & More

Every year different places offer an incentive for getting the flu shot.

Will add more as they become available. You’ll probably want to wait until later in the year for maximum effectiveness.

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    • **$5 or $20 off your next grocery purchase (excludes healthcare, alcohol, tobacco) with annual flu vaccine at the Kroger Family of Stores. If vaccinated through the pharmacy, offer will be activated upon completion of flu vaccine and will be loaded on to Shopper's Card account. If vaccinated through the clinic, offer will be provided in the form of a paper coupon upon completion of flu vaccine. Restrictions and exclusions may apply. Limit 1 offer redemption per person. Must present Shopper’s Card at the Pharmacy. Offer not redeemable for purchases of any items prohibited by law. Excludes prescriptions and vaccinations for individuals who are eligible for federally funded healthcare programs, including, but not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare. See pharmacy or clinic for details. Offer valid through 11/2/2024. State restrictions make this offer invalid in AL and AR.

  • I think all the obsessive flu shot warriors and the anti any vaccine warriors clashing are always funny, especially since almost none of them use any kind of actual real data behind their arguments. For those who think all vaccines ever are poison, they should get their head on straight.

    Now, there are valid arguments about what we used to consider a "vaccine" and requisite effectiveness at preventing illness. For example, the polio vaccine is estimated 99% effective at preventing polio with a full round of doses. Those USED to be the standards by which the average person and science called a "vaccine" and "effective vaccine." Somehow in recent years, we have migrated to a mobile definition of vaccine and what is actually effective, and often do not even use prevention of illness as a metric. This has naturally caused many who already distrust much of the medical establishment and it's modern profit motive to distrust even more, sometimes justifiably and sometimes not. Preventing polio for example, is a lifesaver beyond words and only modern idiots who never lived through polio as a real threat consider that vaccine poison or evil or not worth it...it is what happens with all things that are life altering threats and move into the past.

    However, the other side is equally as stupid and ill informed. For the people who can't get enough shots into their arm for things like influenza, they on average have no clue as to the efficacy of the crap they inject themselves with in order to avoid a largely non fatal illness. The CDC itself publishes the actual estimated flu vaccine effectiveness by year...so those who worship the government health authorities should inform themselves as to what those agencies themselves have to say. For easy reference, since 2009, the CDC has estimated a low effectiveness rate of 10% (2004) and a HIGH of 60% (2011..and the ONLY time in 20 years the "effectiveness" was estimated at 60% and only the FOURTH time in 20 years it was over 50%).

    For those who are actually curious and not interested in regurgitating either Rachel Maddow and the Daily Beast or Sean Hannity and the Daily Caller....https://www.cdc.gov/flu-vaccines-work/php/effectiveness-studies/index.html. The AVERAGE effectiveness according to the CDC over the last 20 years (not counting 2021 as they did not measure it that year) is just a hair over 39%. Now, people who say, hey, I don't want to inject any manner of biological agent into my body for something as mundane as flu, especially with an effectiveness of 39% on average, are not necessarily crazy, depending on their logic and motivation. Tons of people avoid things like Tylenol unless they REALLY need it because they prefer not to take any manner of drug or chemical for low risk or mundane threats and that certainly is not crazy or illogical.

    The fanatical behavior on almost everything these days, especially with almost no logical basis is hilarious. People are so siloed they always think they possess all the right answers and moral clarity and they almost invariably have zero basis to justify their opinions. The real problem is the financial incentives and profit motives that are in place with cash back and monetary discounts and kickbacks to promote non essential items like flu shots, not that people have the option to get them or not.

    • AI summary, I had to run it through twice to get it to be even this short:

      "The debate between flu shots and anti-vaccine advocates is humorous due to lack of data. Modern vaccine definitions often overlook illness prevention, leading to distrust of medical establishments. The average flu vaccine effectiveness is just over 39% over 20 years. The real issue is financial incentives and profit motives, not people's choice to get flu shots."

    • "none of them use any kind of actual real data behind their arguments"

      Darn, all I have is this anecdotal data of 20 millennials I personally know developing heart problems in the last 2 years!

  • These offers are weak sauce.

    also, inb4 all the armchair immunologists gather here to give their unsolicited advice on vaccines and immune health