Fluz: Gift of College Giftcards, No Purchase Fees

The Offer

Our Verdict

Not possible to purchase with a credit card, but can use ACH for 1.5% cash back or debit card for 0.5%.

Hat tip to FM

View Comments (56)

  • I got banned by gift of college. It’s end of the year so I was trying to max out my tax benefits… nothing really against the rule.

  • anyone have idea how to redeem the gift card? I only get code and pin from fluz, but on giftofcollege.com, I was asked the pin, 4 digits pin and expiration date.

  • If you count cash cost of 3%, 1.5% cashback, your cost is 1.5%. This is higher than the 1.19% cost if you can find those $500 GoC GCs at stores.

    But you can do all this online from your home. I'll certainly take this 1.5% other than the 2.9% cost to use Plastiq.

  • Gift of College was so awesome when you could use a credit card to buy them at Toys R Us and Buy Buy Baby. I hit so many spend requirements and paid off my tuition at the same time. Good times lol. I don’t know if this is a worthwhile DP but my loan provider was EdFinancial and they took these gift cards.

    • I think GoC takes most of the major student loan providers. But it takes 14 days to credit to account.

      I used to make 529 contributions directly.

  • Does anyone use GoC to fund a 529 and then just withdraw the funds? From what I've read you only pay penalties on earnings, not contributions.

  • GoC GCs were sold at Toy R Us and Baby R Us before. Now at some limited CVS and grocery stores. It is a good way to fund 529 plans and pay back student loans. I bought like $30k before, mainly from Toy R Us.

    It seems this Fluz deal is cash only. No credit card or GC payments.