Free $5 From Paypal Test Drive

The Offer

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  • Receive $5 for free from paypal when you go through their promotional tutorial

The Fine Print

  • Coupon will take one week to arrive in your inbox
  • Coupon will be valid until September 30th, 2014
  • There are also a bunch of other offers other than the $5 bonus you can choose, I believe the $5 free is the best value but that’s up to you to decide.

Our Verdict

Because the domain is and not, the first thing you should be thinking is “is this actually Paypal, or is this a phishing attempt to get my information?”. In cases like this, there are a few different ways to check:

  • See if the whois information is the same on the two sites. It is.
  • See if they use the same SSL certificate. They do.
  • See if there is any mention of the second site on the primary site. I was not able to find any mention of the domain on
  • Contact the company directly. Several people from slickdeals have contacted paypal and the phone represenatives have confirmed it is their promotion.

Usually I’d still be hesitant with just the above information, the reason I completed this deal is that no password is required I only need to put in my paypal e-mail address. I am confident enough in my password that a potential phishing attempt wouldn’t be successful.

Some people suggest that you should just use a direct link to where you enter your e-mail address, these urls are unique and I assume they will only generate a code once. Personally I wouldn’t run the risk of doing this when it only takes a few clicks and about 5 minutes of time to do it legitimately.

Hopefully the credit posts in a week like they say it will. There have been a lot of people that have signed up for this, so it’ll be interesting to see if paypal pays out or not. As always, click here for more free money opportunities.

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Hat tip to docmayur from slickdeals