[EXPIRED] Free Money: $5-10 from TopCashBack with Fax-N-Go, & List of all TopCashBack Free Money Opportunities

Free $5

TopCashBack is currently offering a free $5 for signing up for a monthly fax subscription with Fax-N-Go. [HT: Lakers1982 on Reddit]

The actual monthly fee is $9.99, but there’s a 14 free trial period when you sign up originally. You do need to give in a credit card number to pay for the monthly fee, but there won’t be any fee if you cancel during the trial. The offer lingo is pretty clear that you’ll get the cashback just for the trial.

To be honest, it sounds like a nice service to me, to be able to deal with all faxes electronically, though it’s quite possible that there are numerous other such services. I don’t fax much so it wouldn’t be worth the $10 monthly fee for me, but I did the trial to get the $5 signup offer.

Double Pay

Here’s how to double the $5 cashback:

Topcashback has a Highest Cashback Guarantee, which will match a  higher cashback rate of most other cashback shopping portals. DollarDig is currently offering $10 for signing up with Fax-N-Go. Either you could go with DollarDig and get the $10 directly, or you could go through TopCashBack and subsequently submit a Highest Cashback Guarantee and get a match for the $10. Hopefully, they’ll match the $10 cashback.

I signed up for  Faxngo a couple of days ago, and I got the pending cashback in my TopCashBack account a few hours later. Since I’ve never heard of DollarDig before, I felt more secure using TopCashBack. I already submitted a Highest Cashback Guarantee, and I’ve never been denied before, so hopefully it will get approved. I’ll update this post with the results.

[UPDATE 1/19/2015: My claim was NOT approved. TopCashBack informed me that the Highest Cashback Guarantee is only for shopping, not for free money with signups.]

List of TopCashBack Free Money

Here’s the complete list of TopCashBack free money opportunities:

View Comments (13)

  • Anyone successful in canceling? I've spent the last 20 minutes on the Avangate site that apparently handles the billing for Fax N Go after they sent me an email proactively about the trial expiring soon. I've created an account just like they said yet it never lets me login to view and cancel. I then reset password, authentication fails each time. I sent Support a message but this is a complete fiasco.

    • Sorry to hear you're having difficulty.

      I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to login. I was able to login with my user ID and pw, same way I log in to dozens of other accounts.

      And I was able to cancel it electronically someplace in the system (don't remember exactly where, probably under "profile" or something).

  • I just did a search on TCB for "FaxNGo" and nothing came up. Does anyone have a link to the offer?

    • I just checked. I think this offer is dead for now. Will update.

      I'm still seeing the $10 offer from Dollar Dig, but they do have a $25 minimum payout.

  • FYI: I completed the Faxngo offer, then filed a Highest Cash Back offer immediately. The next day, my account was inactivated. I emailed them and they said someone else has to "look into it" and they will get back to me in 7-10 days. Does filing an immediate Highest Cash Back offer trigger a flag?

    • That's bizarre! It makes absolutely no sense to me that this should be the case. I always wait until after the cashback posts, simply because I didn't realize that you could file before then. Additionally, they couldn't approve the claim until they see the cashback post, so it makes more sense to wait until it posts.

      My guess is that you're running into an unrelated issue, though I'm clueless as to what that is. Keep us posted on what happens.

  • Hi! I'm the owner of Dollar Dig. Although we are fairly new, we pride ourselves on being reputable and offer high cash back rates. You can see some of our reviews on cash back comparison sites, where we have no negative reviews. Try us out! I'm sure you'll like it.

    • Hi DD! I don't doubt your honesty, but I couldn't find much info on your site about how payment works, is there a minimum needed, etc. Maybe you could make a FAQ page?

      • I know it can be scary to try something new, but sometimes change is good!

        Also, we have a 'How It Works' page here: https://www.dollardig.com/howitworks

        Aaaand I *just* realized it doesn't state the minimum payout ($25)!

        I'll update that right now (we state it once you have an account with us). Thanks for pointing it out! :)

        Lastly, we currently support PayPal for withdrawals, but will be offering other options (Dwolla, Amazon, perhaps even BitCoin in the near future).

        If there's any other questions out there, I'll be happy to address them here and on the site as well.


  • Never did the cashback guarantee claim before. You have to wait until the transaction is pending before submitting the claim? It doesn't show FaxNGo in my dropdown menu yet. And what if Dollar Dig changes before then? Thanks!

    • With TCB you wait until it's pending. I always save a screenshot, just in case the other portal changes. I've successfully gotten the match even after the other portal changes (admittedly, it was low dollar amounts). I usually mention in the claim that I have a screenshot- they've never actually asked me to send in the screenshot.