GameStop: 50% Bonus (60% For Pro) When Trading In Video Games

Update 12/1/22: 50% (60% for pro members) bonus is back starting 12/4/22.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • GameStop is offering a 50% bonus when trading in video games

Our Verdict

Think you can also get an extra $50 when trading in a console (50% bonus doesn’t apply to hardware).

View Comments (21)

  • I did this and was very worthwhile. Got $25-$32 in Gamestop credit for each of my AAA Switch games, some of which I paid only slightly more than that for, or got with Dell credits. Way easier than selling privately.

  • Just checked and a game trade in value I’ve been watching and it crashed in value. Was $20ish a few days ago now $14. So with this bonus I’d be like $1 ahead of before.

  • Hustle courtesy of someone on SD:
    "buy enough games on buy two, get two free or 1. Then i wait for the 60% trade value and get all the credit back without using my own money. I have 1000 bucks worth of gamestop credit. I used to also sell them on ebay but they now want us to pay taxes if you make more than 600 bucks. So for the first time in ten years I haven't sold one thing on ebay."

      • Currently a B2G1 available at Best Buy as we speak... trying to run some numbers, but can't find a way where you remotely break even. Are the values shown through the link above already have the 50% trade bonus included? If so I don't know why anyone would trade there games in for practically pennies on the dollar

        • 50% on top of listed online values.

          The Quarry PS4- sells for 29.99 right now at various retailers. TIV w/ +50% at Gs equals $45 or $49.50 for pro members. Nice profit. Do not reccomend doing more than 2-3 copies. People get banned for too many trade ins of same sku/upc. Take out of shrink wrap, lightly dirty up the disc.

          • So 17 buck profit on this game assuming you can find it for $29.99 and can trade in. I might do that, my son needs some PS5 games.

          • @guest_1476730 Right now that game is $17 thru game stop, so could I just buy it from game stop store 1 and goto game stop store 2 and get 49.50??? I think I will do that today. But how can see the trade in values to be sure?

          • No worries. Thanks for this little tip. Knew there had to be an angle but you made it easy to find

          • @guest_1476730 if you happen to find the right game let me know, i dont think your example would work.

            $15.40 is the highest for the game you suggested to use. Say with the pro x 1.6 = 24.64

            Would have to get that buy2 get 1 free or something for this to work and even then, have what 3 of the same games maybe. if possible thru target. but that deal had past.

          • Even with Tiny Tina and Beyond a Steal discounted down to 19 and 15 with a pro trade in value of +60% of current rate isnt much. I think that post was somehow getting a new game for dirt cheap which I am unable to find.

          • How does Gamestop keep track? via phone number or jsut by remembering you? wondering if I could split it up into multiple locations/visits since I a good amount of stores around me

          • It depends on the state since trade-ins are usually covered by pawnshop regulations. I believe they track you via your ID.