Gas Fuelperks! Program to End on April 30 [Winn-Dixie, Martin’s, BI-LO]

The Fuelperks! gas rewards program will end soon. The last day to redeem rewards is on April 30. These four grocery stores who use the program: Winn-Dixie, Martin’s, BI-LO.

They tell us to enroll in Fuel Rewards instead. Fuel Rewards is Shell’s gas rewards program which gives you a few cents off per gallon, so it’s really unrelated to grocery spend, just a stand-alone loyalty program of Shell.

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  • Just to really really really confirm, I received the following from Giant Eagle when I inquired if the program was ending:
    In response to your communication:

    Case #: XXXXXXX

    Thank you for contacting Giant Eagle regarding our fuelperks! promotion. We’re glad to let you know that our fuelperks! reward program isn’t going anywhere! For every eligible in-store purchase you make, you’ll continue to earn discounts on fuel at our GetGo locations!

  • You removed the GE references in the blog post, but you may want to also change your image for the post since it's still pretty alarming to those of us in the GE area when we see the Giant Eagle logo beside the headline that the program is ending.

  • Winn Dixie had mostly died for me late last summer when they (or at least my WD) stopped allowing purchases of Amex/Visa/MC GC's with a credit card and awarding fuel perks for it.

    I had so much that I was giving free gas to friends.

    Sad though... Just 2 days ago, we picked up some Amazon GC there and liked earning about a free tank along with our Amex MR via Everyday Preferred.

  • I don't see anything about this anywhere on any of the chain's websites... Does anyone have a link?

    I too would be surprised if Giant-Eagle did away with Fuelperks, they promote it like crazy every day and there are tons of Get-Go stations going up. Maybe the name/brand Fuelperks will go if it's being retired elsewhere, but they can just rename it and have essentially the same program. Fuelperks earned at Giant Eagle are only good at their own Get-Go stations, not at Shell- it's all internal and I can't imagine they're changing it. Good thing too, it's a great program if you use it right.

  • According to my Winn Dixie manager, WD will be joining the Plenti program to replace FPs. Pretty disappointing.

  • Hey Chuck! Are you able to confirm this for GE? GE does not have affiliation with these other grocery stores and has never offered anything through Shell. GE actually calls their program fuelperks! which is registered and I'm not sure it's in any relation to these other programs.

  • The Fuel Perks program was the only reason I was shopping at Winn-Dixie. I would think they must be contemplating replacing it with something else as it is a huge draw for them. OUCH

  • I'm not sure if this is correct for Giant Eagle. I think the other stores partner with Shell for their gas discounts (hence the mention of Shell's Fuel Rewards). Giant Eagle, while using the Fuelperks system, only gives discounts at its own GetGo gas stations. I reached out to Giant Eagle on Twitter to confirm.

    • I can't imagine Giant Eagle doing this either. Giant Eagle is a Pittsburgh-based chain, and there are very few Shell stations in the area. Giant Eagle, meanwhile, is building brand new GetGo stations all over the place. Maybe they get rid of Fuelperks!, but they would have to replace it with something that worked at their own stations.

      • I agree that it's hard to imagine Giant Eagle doing away with Fuel Perks. I go to GetGo all the time, and it's always full, but I wouldn't much if they took away Fuel Perks.

        Nick, let us know when you hear back on Twitter.

        • Thanks all, I'll edit out Giant Eagle. I had assumed it was the same since it uses the same name, but apparently it's not.

          • The logo is the same, but it isn't linked to Shell like the others. I think they were licensing the technology, so they will either keep it or find another provider.