Get An Additional 2,500 United Miles When Applying For Personal/Business Card

It’s possible to get an additional 2,500 United miles when you apply for either of these offers:

To get the additional miles you need to use this link (scroll down and select ‘See Chase United Business cards’) and use a six digit promotional code from your United representative. I’m not sure if you can enter 999999 and still get the additional miles, if anybody has an eligible promo code then please share it in the comments below.

Hat tip to anotherdoofus

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Krys (@guest_1369691)
April 20, 2022 07:38

Use code UAFFER

Avi (@guest_1498042)
November 29, 2022 14:28

Does this still work?

NuttyKnot (@guest_915836)
February 21, 2020 14:37
Gary Steiger
Gary Steiger (@guest_892656)
January 29, 2020 16:14

If not flying on United, I would try calling United, perhaps the reservations department, and ask the rep who answers the call for a code.

Jonathan S
Jonathan S (@guest_892282)
January 29, 2020 10:29

This is definitely a hard pass given A) the recent trend of shutdowns for people milking promotions that they aren’t targeted for, B) the fine print, and C) the measly bonus.

Gerald (@guest_892292)
January 29, 2020 10:44

But if you’re flying United and planning to apply for one of these, ask the flight attendant for a flyer and do this legitimately.

Jamie (@guest_892325)
January 29, 2020 11:15

I totally agree. Nope. Not interested. I’ve been scared-straight with all the recent reports of shutdowns.

anotherdoofus (@guest_900991)
February 6, 2020 19:26

FYI it’s not a targeted offer, it’s a public offer for United at airports and on flights. Gate agents also have codes so if you happen to be at an airport with United flights you can just stop and ask.