Get Up To 12,000 Marriott Rewards Points For Free With Plus Points

Update 5: It’s now possible to automate this. Read our post here.

Update 4: There have been some negative changes to the way Plus Points works. You can view all of these changes by clicking here. The below post contains information on the new rules.

Update 3: My points have posted. There is a hard limit of 2,000 per month, I tried following additional properties to see if that would work and I was limited to 2,000 points. Click here to view my points.

Update 2: This promotion is actually not targeted. My issue was that I was using a Facebook account that wasn’t active. To be considered active you must have at least one friend, it then takes a period of 24 hours for it to be active. When I linked my twitter account I was able to participate straight away and received the following message.

Update: It looks like this is a targeted promotion. I’m now getting “your account is not eligible” error message for the new account I created.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

Marriott Rewards is following both Club Carlson & American Airlines and allowing you to earn free Marriott Rewards points for completing certain social actions associated with your link social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Foursquare).


Make sure your account is set to earn points & not miles. If your account is set to earn miles you will not earn any points or miles. Click here to edit your preference. If you don’t have an account you select this preference on sign up.

The Fine Print

  • Earn a maximum of 2,000 points every 30 day period
  • Limit of four social actions per day (100 points)
  • You’ll receive an e-mail to the e-mail listed in your Facebook or Twitter account confirming that the social action has been performed and points will post ~7 days later.
  • Properties need to be liked or followed for a minimum of one week for the points to post to your account
  • Promotion is for Marriott Rewards members only, it is not for those who are Ritz-Carlton aligned
  • Deal is valid from May 8th – November 8th
  • If you don’t already have a Marriott Rewards account you can create one to participate in this deal


Our Verdict

If you don’t have have a twitter, facebook, instagram account set up specifically for completing these deals we suggest you do so. They are only going to become more common and it’d be a shame if a friend of yours saw that you’d liked a property you’ve never actually been to as an indication of it’s quality.

Getting 2,000 points every 30 days used to be very easy (you only needed to like or follow 8 properties) it’s now much difficult and you’ll need to follow four properties per day.. It’s enough for a free stay at any category 1-2 hotel (or category 3 if you use a PointSavers Reward) which you most likely won’t be able to redeem for. It should also help you if you already have existing points and want to try for a higher award category.

I’m no longer bothering with this promotion as they nerfed it so much. For those with extra time/who value these points highly it might still be worth it.

Easiest way to earn the points

The easiest way to earn these points is to  follow on twitter participating properties and earn 25 points per property. This means you’d need to like 80 properties per thirty day period to earn the maximum amount of points on offer.  Here is a list of different accounts that qualify for this promotion:


Marriott Properties:



Renaissance Properties




Marriott Properties:

Renaissance Properties:


* indicates I received points

^ indicates I didn’t receive points

Updated: Added four new twitter accounts thanks to markr1. Added two more thanks to mark1. Added two more thanks to burman.

Direct link to offerFAQ screenshot


Hat tip to Loyalty Lobby

View Comments (30)

  • Marriott changed the terms a couple days ago, now you only get 25 points per Twitter follow and none for Facebook follows. I and others have received e-mails with the new terms, but this lacked a comparison to the old terms. Unless you want to follow 80 properties per month, to max out at 2000 points you need to spam your followers with messages with the hastags, up to 4 per day. I got the 250 points for 7 of my Twitter follows in May, but then did not received the points in June until I followed some more at the end of the month. I also received 78 messages over two days about receiving points but of course did not receive 250 * 78 points.

  • I've followed on facebook and got 7 responses but they've all awarded me 25 points - not 250 ! Is this a glitch? I haven't done any of the other stuff.

    • Per an email Marriott sent out today, they have decreased the earning for following/liking a page to 25 points each. I am not going to mess with this anymore unless someone make a handy list for all additional properties they added.

      • And can only earn 100 points per day now (4 actions per day). The 2,000 per 30 days limit is still in place.

  • So I followed 8 properties - got 8 emails same day. 7 days later get 6 emails saying points have posted - but they just say TWITTER - MARRIOTT HOTELS. Is there any way of seeing which property is was, so I can see which failed?

    • Same happened to me and there is no way to check which is frustrating. However, the 8th property DID credit 2 days later....

  • Hi ... I liked their page on Facebook and followed them on Twitter. So will I receive an Email with the points ? I mean how the points gets posted to my account ?

    • Did you connect your accounts like this post says to do first? Or did you just follow them?

  • Anyone have issues with Facebook/Twitter triggering emails? I've tried basically all of June with both Twitter and Facebook and haven't received a SINGLE email like I did in May. I liked 8 Facebook pages in May and got the emails within minutes. The points posted a week later. No emails and no points for either me or my wife's accounts in June. I don't even know where to start in trying to fix it.

  • 7 days have passed and just received credit for 7 of the 8 that i signed up to - I did receive email thanking me for following for all 8 - do you think the other 1 may post late or should i try to contact them?

    it's a shame that the 250 points credit do not show which hotels they are from...

    • You could try contacting them, they've been pretty responsive to my inquiries in the past. I agree that it's annoying that they don't show which ones worked (they do show it in the confirmation e-mails but you said you got all 8).

  • Can we start again 30 days from following on Twitter or 30 days from receiving the points? I don't think it's completely clear and I would like to make sure I don't start too early. Thanks!

  • Can you follow them all on the same day or only one a day? The rules seem to say you can follow them all at once but when I started by following three on the same day, I only got an email for the first. Since then I do one a day and have gotten emails from all.

    • Yes, I followed mine all on the same day. Some don't track properly so just try following other ones instead.

  • Thanks for your reply - since my email all 8 that I followed on Twitter have emailed to say I will receive 250 points in 7 days :)

    I presume i just unfollow them at that stage and follow 8 more in 30 days time?


    • You don't have to unfollow them, but otherwise that's right.

      I usually just have an additional twitter/facebook account for these types of deals. That way I have no need to unfollow.

  • Many Thanks for this info all looks good and an easy way to score a free night!

    I have signed up and followed / liked the accounts listed but I have received no emails saying I have done so - am i correct in thinking that the emails come after 7 days when the points post??

    thanks in advance

    • They used to show up almost straight away, recently people have been having issues with the points & e-mails not showing up. I've sent a message to support to see what's causing this issue.