[Repost] Giant, Stop&Shop: 2x Fuel Points on Visa Gift Cards [5/26-6/1]

The Offer

(We’ll add the direct link when it becomes available.)

  • Get 2x fuel points on the purchase of Visa gift cards at Giant and Stop&shop

Gift cards generally don’t earn fuel points at all at Giant/S&S, but they’ll occasionally release offers like this to get points for gift card purchases.

The Fine Print

  • Valid 5/26 through 6/1 [starts Friday, 5/26]
  • Must use store card to get and use the points
  • Be sure to double check that your local store is running this offer before buying
  • They do accept credit card payment for purchases of Visa, Mastercard, and American Express gift cards

Gas Points Details

Here are the gas points details:

Every 100 points gets you 10¢ off per gallon at Shell, up to 20 gallons. If you have 1000 points, you’ll get $1 off. If you have 1500 points, you’ll get $1.50 off per gallon. 

  • Max discount in some areas is $1.50. In other areas, there might not be any max.
  • You have 30 days to use the points. The day of purchase is Day #1.
  • Points can only be used at partner Shell stations. You can redeem the points in a different area from where you got the points, but only if that Shell station is a partner. Check out the gas locator for Stop & Shop and for Giant for exact listings of which Shell stations are included.
  • See the FAQ for more details. Some of the details vary by area and store.
  • Points usually are available immediately, but I’ve had on occasion where it took a day until they showed up and were usable.
  • Pro tip: Use a Shell gift card and you’ll usually get the cash price; it’s especially worthwhile to get the lower cash price when using fuel points.

Our Verdict

For each tank of gas you’ll need over the next month, buy $750 of Visa gift cards to get $1.50 off the tank. I’ll probably do $4,000 or $4,500 for five or six tanks.

Max of $5,000 can be purchased in a day. They’ll copy your driver license number for purchases of $2,000 or more. Time to pull out those grocery credit cards, including the Freedom which gets 5x this quarter on up to $1,500 in purchases.

Hat tip to IZ on DDF

View Comments (53)

  • Churning with 1k GC is most attractive than spending $xK.
    Hope my math is right. If one is getting 2% back on cc. A$1k in vgc gets 2000 pts. Now to double it buy another $1k GC by paying with the original GC. Now u hv 4000 points worth $100 in gas (25 gallon x 4). So net result of $1k investment is $100+20.24(2%) - $24 in fees= ~$96 who has is 9.6 percent discount of $1k.
    The same if one is buying without churning,it's
    $100+$40(2%cb) - 24 in fees = 116 for 2k invest or 5.8 percent discount of $1k.

  • DP: bought 2 $500 visa gift cards at pa giant. Earned 2500pts for the transaction! Seems I got more that I should but I won't complain.

  • Any way to check fuel points balance?

    Like the dude in Delaware Co PA I'm in Mont Co And don't have the pts on my receipt.

    • answered my own question.... can register online. I bought $2k in VGC but zero points are registering. I just signed up for a giant card since I rarely ever go in there and that might be why.

      FWIW my ad didn't have any mention of a gas reward promo. It COULD be only valid at locations with gas stations, perhaps.

      • So not all locations are participating. I checked the circular for the one I went to and they are not participating (Conshohocken, PA) and their ads say in bold "Pick up a Visa Gift Card today" whereas another one nearby has the 2x fuel rewards.

        At least it was $2000 in vgc... and I have a min spend to reach.

  • not a CT thing! Just bought 3 cards w/o groceries and got 4500 points. Then it another S&S for 2 cards and got 2k points. No need to purchase groceries. All in in western CT

  • This may be a Connecticut thing. There's a new condition in this deal: a minimum additional purchase of $25 is enforced. In previous rounds I was going up to the checkout and buying only the gift cards.

    I did purchase $22 worth of other things and customer service put the 1000 points into my account manually, but YMMV here. Check your fliers for the conditions.

  • When I bought two VCG in Delaware County PA the points didn't show up on the receipt but when the associate checked my acct the points were there. My 11:00 am points were on the receipt.

  • I live in mass.... You're right it should have been zero for 2nd and 3rd. The terms state one per transaction though

    • Andrew is shopping at a Giant in PA. You are in Mass. Two different terms. Our last promo was definitely not limit one per transaction. This one isn't either. He should have pointed it out to cs. He still can, and get his gas points. He hasn't done anything wrong or sneaky.

    • No restrictions on the circular from my local Frederick, MD Giant. must vary by region/chain?

    • Which state do you live in? Maybe each state has different terms.

      Why would they have given Andrew 500 on the 2nd and 3rd gc? If it really is 1 per transaction it should earn 0 on the 2nd and 3rd.

  • @eric this is only the second one I've done, but the last one was definitely one per transaction also..
    @andrew you got 1000 for the first gc and 500 for each of the other two equalling 2k. Had you done 3 separate transactions you would have gotten 1k each totaling 3k