Giftcardmall Is Now

Blackhawknetwork has announced that Giftcardmall is rebranding and will now be The following notice was sent out:

This notice is to inform you that is now, and all site traffic will be automatically redirected to We will keep the program live for the next few months, but please plan for this change by pivoting your efforts towards the program instead. Since the links will be redirected, you will lose tracking attribution once a user converts on, so please consider updating your page with links to

We’ll keep you posted in the coming weeks, and are here to address any questions you may have.

Thank you for all of your support with the GiftCardMall program; we look forward to working with you on!

Not a huge loss as it’s been sometime since we’ve seen a good giftcardmall promotion, but interesting that Blackhawknetwork is consolidating some brands in this space.


View Comments (9)

      • Doesn't work for me. I just get an error, "We are unable to process your request...".

        I suppose next step is to reach out to customer service at

        • Yes, you can always register on the phone. I think that may be the activation that you can do on the phone. Looks like their process changed since this was posted in April. If you click Activate & enter the card info, it'll let you know if it's already active. It says to contact them at the link provided to change the address. I'm assuming it'll just let you register on the site if you haven't previously added an address for that card.

    • Funny you say that, I bought a $500 gc a couple months ago and had about $450 of it drained 2 days later. Filed a claim with blackhawk inc and it took about 45 days but I finally got the email that they were issuing a refund.

      It was a huge inconvenience because I originally bought the card for a trip I had coming up, but when I tried to use it, it got declined.

      The fraud charge that drained the majority of my balance was in CA close to where Blackhawk is headquartered so that was a bit sus.

      Glad it got resolved in my favor, but doubt I will be buying any more of these cards anytime soon.

  • Has there been any material difference is cashback or card offerings on these two sites in recent years? For some reason, I've been mostly using for a few years now, where my periodic transactions have mercifully gone through without difficulty.

    Seems like a logical move for them to make, as having the two nearly identical sounding websites would just seem confusing to the customer, and I see no real marketing difference between them.

  • Perfect timing. I just got locked out of the gcm site for checking too many cards, but was able to check the remaining cards on the other site.