Google to Add Bill-Pay Feature to Gmail reports that Google is working on a system which will allow users to pay bills straight from Gmail. Slated to go live later this year, the service would allow Gmail users to pay bills such as insurance, utilities and more. The bill payment feature would be built into Gmail and would support payments via bank account, debit and credit cards.

The service is dubbed ‘Pony Express’ with the goal of simplifying bill-payments by receiving and paying bills directly in Gmail. E-bills are quite common, but the service would streamline the process and even allow people to split bills via email, like roommates who want to split utilities.

Using the service would require a name, address and social security number which will be processed by a third-party provider in order to verify your identity.

The main intent of the service may be for more access to data in people’s lives, so as to better target you with ads. There may not be much of a plan to profit from the service itself. It remains to be seen if Pony Express will be in any way related to Google Wallet and whether they will be integrated together in some fashion.

The idea of having one central system to pay all bills is similar to what Evolve Money and Check are trying to accomplish. Google’s expansive reach may make idea more common-place.

Google has not yet made any official comment on the bill pay feature.


HT: coptermedic on Reddit

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