HotelSlash: Free Lifetime Membership With Promo Code FREE4LIFE

The Offer

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  • HotelSlash is offering free lifetime membership when you use promo code FREE4LIFE

Our Verdict

HotelSlash lets you automatically monitor to see if hotel rooms you’ve booked have gone down in price so you can rebook. You can fwd existing reservations to HotelSlash so you don’t need to book through them. Just keep in mind this won’t be useful unless your original booking is refundable and you’ll have to cancel rebook. If booking through a third party site you won’t earn points/status won’t be recognized in most cases.

Hat tip to FM

View Comments (22)

  • Would it be safe to assume that hotel stays booked through HotelSlash with a Hyatt would not accrue points or tier credit?

  • Thanks for the notification. I signed up and sent in an existing reservation for them to 'watch'. Haven't received any automated email back and it hasn't shown up in my account yet. Curious how this is going to work.

    • Where do you even seen an expiration? I see Active and No Payment Due. I enrolled when I received the same offer by an email a week or so ago. It said lifetime membership but there was no code at the time.

      • It's showing up for me on the Account Settings page in the Membership & Billing section as my expiration date.

    • If it were accurate, wouldn't it more likely mean that HotelSlash itself is set to stop existing in 2051?.

      But actually, if you scroll down below, you'll see that it's actually a technical limitation.

      The date in 2051 is 9999 days from now, and their system probably has a 4-character limit on days, so they can't show a date greater than 9999 days from now.

      So probably a year from now they'll say your expiration date will be in 2052.

      • Yeah, I guess if we're talking "lifetime" as in the lifetime of HotelSlash, but I took it in reference to the member. But yeah, the 9999 days calc makes sense.

  • I sent hotelslash a message from my account asking to please apply promo code FREE4LIFE.

    My account switched from having an expiration date of my free trial to a status of "Active" with no expiration date.

    I also received this email below saying:

    Thanks for reaching out and welcome to HotelSlash! The promo code FREE4LIFE has been applied to your account, granting you lifetime access to HotelSlash.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

    We look forward to saving you money on your next hotel stay!

    Best regards,

    • Thanks! Sent a message (from their webpage Help button) and within a few minutes, received similar response. Additionally they clarified that ..

      The promo code FREE4LIFE has been successfully applied to your account. You now have lifetime access to HotelSlash. To confirm, you can visit your Account Settings page, where you'll see an "Active" status with no expiration date.

  • Free is free but so far it doesn't seem as good as Autoslash. Results have consistently been more expensive than other platforms.

    • I think the car rental game is easier for them to crack than the hotel game. There are so many "unpublished" opaque car rental codes out there that they can consolidate and sift through (and then also negotiate some of their own deals). Hotels generally don't do business that way: I'm not sure how they can easily compile discounts not already available on other platforms through a meta search such as kayak and skyscanner. But we will see.

  • Anyone know how to add this code to a current free trial membership (that presumably will elapse at some point)? I signed up for a second account, with the FREE4LIFE code, and the membership statuses between the two accounts are different. The new one displays...
    Free trial (9999 days remaining)
    Expiration date: Wednesday, September 6, 2051

    I didn't know HotelSlash could also predict when I'll die. ;)