How To Force Getting Targeted For American Express / Chase / Citi / Discover / Wells Fargo Amazon Promotions

At the moment there are a number of different promotions that credit card issuers are running for Amazon:

All of these promotions are targeted or YMMV. The below steps won’t always work, but they can help you get targeted for the above promotions (inspired by FM).

  1. Delete your saved cards on Amazon (you’ll want to delete the cards you want to get the targeted offers on. So if you’re trying to do a Membership Rewards earning promotion then delete all of the American Express cards)
  2. Add the card(s) back to your account
  3. Re-enroll in shop with points (or the other relevant program). Remember to make sure you don’t set pay with points as the default to avoid wasting points in the future
  4. Check to see if you’re targeted for the promotion (it might take a few days to show up. My recommendation would be to check every day for a week and then you can check less frequently after that)

Again this won’t always work, but it has worked in the past. In addition after completing a promotion I’d always remove the card again so you have a better chance of being targeted immediately when a new promotion is released. Might also be wise to save these promotions for Prime day if there is something you know you’ll want to buy and it’s likely it will be on sale.

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  • A warning related to this, if you have a subscription to something like a Prime Video channel that you want to be charged to a particular card: I had a subscription set up to use an Amex card to get a streaming credit every month, but Amazon silently switched to charging my Discover card instead. I'm guessing it's either because I had removed the Amex card from Amazon, or because activating a Discover shop with points offer caused Discover to be used for all payments on Amazon.

  • How do i get targeted offers for things like amazon echo or the amazon smart plug?

  • This trick used to work for me but has not worked at all in a year. I’ve tried removing cards and delinking them back multiple times after waiting a week each time and nothing.

  • I did this method a couple of days ago and just now got Citi, but not AmEx or Discover, however I already used AmEx and Discover deals recently (I can't remember if I used this method to get them).

    It's all very YMMV, but definitely in the worth-a-try category.

  • I havent gotten these targeted offers in over a year. Anyone else experience this too?